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From Cyan, Age 18 - 07/18/08 - IP#: 72.144.240.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 6'0", Start: 226 lb, Today: 197 lb, Goal: 165 lb - Lost a pound. Not what I was hoping for but better than gaining or sticking. I'm trying to implement more fruits and veggies into my diet not just for weightloss but for added health. I'm actually trying not to destroy my body. I've also decided that I'm not going to fixate on weightloss so much because I think I'm pretty healthy at this weight. I went to the doctor and he said that while I'm not in the prescribed "healthy weight range", that I'm still healthier than most because my bodyfat percentage is at the low end of average. I don't know...I'd still like to be thinner though. Currently I'm a size 10 dress and I feel like if I got to 165 I'd be a 6...I don't know if I'd like that on a 6' frame but whatever. I want to atleast get down to 178 because that's a healthy range of weight for me. Good luck to everone else with your goals.
Reply from Jessica, Age 13 - 07/19/08  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx

From Ben, Age 13 - 07/18/08 - IP#: 66.79.92.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 230 lb, Today: 229 lb, Goal: 155 lb - I finally bought Wii Fit.. It is probably the best thing thats happened to me yet. It's so useful! I offically start my diet and exercising NOW. I have support from my parents, too. I'll go more in-depth tomorrow morning. :)
Reply from Ben, Age 13 - 07/19/08  - IP#: 66.79.92.xxx
Reply from Ella, Age 18 - 07/18/08  - IP#: 72.144.240.xxx
Reply from Jessica, Age 13 - 07/18/08  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx

From kristi, Age 18 - 07/18/08 - IP#: 98.223.138.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 6'0", Start: 245 lb, Today: 237 lb, Goal: 190 lb - ya i lost 2 pounds!!! yesterday i ate 2 salads which chicken on them and a cucumber and a green pepper and LOTS OF WATER. in the morning i rode the eliptical for 48 min did a workout for 1.5 hours in the evning, it was hot outside! so i sweated a ton...HOPE EVERYTHING IS GOING GOOD FOR YOU GUYS TOO! GOOD LUCCK, and dont get discouraged ive been on the diet/excerzing for 4 days and didnt lose anything then all of a suden 2 pounds is gone, so dont weigh yourself everyday if you are the discrouraged type, well im going to go bike and eltical :)
Reply from Cyan, Age 18 - 07/18/08  - IP#: 72.144.240.xxx
Reply from Jessica, Age 13 - 07/18/08  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx
Reply from Claire, Age 19 - 07/18/08  - IP#: 64.131.205.xxx
Reply from Claire, Age 19 - 07/18/08  - IP#: 64.131.205.xxx

From Michelle, Age 14 - 07/18/08 - IP#: 67.235.223.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 228 lb, Today: 198 lb, Goal: 145 lb - so I started this challenge on July 7th to lose 7 pounds by August 8th I I didn't think I could really do it cause I haven't lost anything in 6 months and for the first to weeks I didn't but I don't know what happened I dieted perfectly for a week and 4 pounds but I do that all the time so I don't know if this is a one time thing or what but I'm really happy ooh and two days ago I got a skate board I love it and I burn more calories then walking(I have a thing that tells you how may calories you burned) but anyway I'M LOSING WEIGHT AGAIN thank you to all for your help and a speical thank you to Motivated you helped me alot
Reply from Motivated, Age 19 - 07/18/08  - IP#: 71.192.26.xxx
Reply from Jessica, Age 13 - 07/18/08  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx
Reply from Claire, Age 19 - 07/18/08  - IP#: 64.131.205.xxx

From Tia, Age 15 - 07/18/08 - IP#: 80.1.103.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 182 lb, Today: 182 lb, Goal: 130 lb - I know you've probably heard it before, but I really think frozen fruits are the way forward! I love to freeze grapes and bananas and they taste so good, and you can reach for a frozen grape at any time of day not worry that you're eating too much! I had my first full day of no junk food all because I was eating frozen fruit instead, and I really enjoyed it! Its especially good in summer cause it cools you down :)
Reply from Jessica, Age 13 - 07/18/08  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx
Reply from Claire, Age 19 - 07/18/08  - IP#: 64.131.205.xxx

From Claire, Age 19 - 07/17/08 - IP#: 64.131.205.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 210 lb, Today: 176 lb, Goal: 140 lb - ok again..the only thing that can sum up how I feel is this Beatles song: HELP! I NEED SOMEBODY! HELP!!!!!! NOT JUST ANYBODY! HELP! YOU KNOW I NEED SOMEONE! HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!
Reply from Jessica, Age 13 - 07/18/08  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx
Reply from Motivated, Age 19 - 07/17/08  - IP#: 71.192.26.xxx
Reply from Motivated, Age 19 - 07/17/08  - IP#: 71.192.26.xxx
Reply from Claire, Age 19 - 07/17/08  - IP#: 64.131.205.xxx
Reply from Jenn, Age 18 - 07/17/08  - IP#: 74.225.250.xxx

From Cyan, Age 18 - 07/17/08 - IP#: 74.225.250.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 6'0", Start: 226 lb, Today: 198 lb, Goal: 165 lb - Right. So tomorrow is weigh in and I have mixed feelings. I've been taking this hydro cut, working out, and trying very hard to eat right. I'm nervous though because I'm worried I haven't lost anything and that will be discouraging. I've decided to try and incorporate more fruit and vegies and less carbs into my diet. So today I had: 2 packets oatmeal, plain bagel with strawberry cream cheese, apple with small amount of caramel, pbandj, small salad, 2 30 calorie meringues. I hope I didn't way overdo it. I exercised today doing my crew workout piece which was 35 minutes continuous (today was light I believe) and I worked which involves walking around, standing, and climbing stairs. I hope I didn't gain anything. Even one pound lost would be good and I'd feel heck of a lot better.
Reply from Motivated, Age 19 - 07/17/08  - IP#: 71.192.26.xxx
Reply from Jessica, Age 13 - 07/17/08  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx

From Sierra, Age 14 - 07/17/08 - IP#: 76.31.95.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 143 lb, Today: 135 lb, Goal: 110 lb - I really appreciate everyone's help on here. I just wanna say that. Now i just want to vent. At the beginning of summer i made almost a vow to lose thirty pounds. So far...I'm not so successful. I've lost a few pounds, but I'm not gonna lose enough by the time school starts. This depresses me. Today I've boosted my self esteem though. Everytime I'm about to eat something really bad and fatening, I take just a few minutes to think about how this could ruin everything. It's beginning to work. Can anyone please tell me ANYTHING that helps severely in loosing weight. Not dieting, loosing weight.
Reply from Samy, Age 13 - 07/17/08  - IP#: 71.106.109.xxx
Reply from Motivated, Age 19 - 07/17/08  - IP#: 71.192.26.xxx
Reply from Jessica, Age 13 - 07/17/08  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx

From Jessica, Age 13 - 07/17/08 - IP#: 75.66.48.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 362 lb, Today: 406 lb, Goal: 120 lb - Hey it's Jess, Jeremy's little sis, again. Well, I thank people for all the support I got last time. I sort of do want to lose weight now that I think about it, but I think I'm more scared that I won't be able to because I don't know hpw. I'm still eating A LOT, and finally hit the 400 mark. I'm huge and it really is upsetting Jeremy to see his little sister be 4 times his size. (He' underweight and weighs only about 112 so I literally am getting closer to being fourtimes his weight.) It's getting harder and harder to move. My huge belly gets in the way and I can BARELY wrap my arms around my own stomach. It really scares me to know that if I don't stop soon I'll get even fatter! I never even realized it was possible to get so large. But I feel like I can't stop it... even right now, I'm eating oreos as I type this, and I feel so out of control. I think I have literally forgotten how to ... (view more)
Reply from Matt, Age 18 - 07/18/08  - IP#: 71.132.209.xxx
Reply from Tia, Age 15 - 07/18/08  - IP#: 80.1.103.xxx
Reply from Motivated, Age 19 - 07/17/08  - IP#: 71.192.26.xxx
Reply from Jessica, Age 13 - 07/17/08  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx
Reply from Amanda, Age 19 - 07/17/08  - IP#: 63.135.3.xxx
Reply from michelle, Age 14 - 07/17/08  - IP#: 67.235.223.xxx
Reply from Jenna, Age 21 - 07/17/08  - IP#: 74.77.56.xxx

From Tiara, Age 15 - 07/17/08 - IP#: 67.86.63.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1", Start: 185 lb, Today: 180 lb, Goal: 110 lb - Could I be 165 pounds by the time school starts which is probably like August 28th for me.
Reply from Jessica, Age 13 - 07/17/08  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx

From Michelle, Age 14 - 07/17/08 - IP#: 67.235.223.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 228 lb, Today: 200 lb, Goal: 145 lb - I lost 2 pounds
Reply from Michelle, Age 14 - 07/17/08  - IP#: 67.235.223.xxx
Reply from Jessica, Age 13 - 07/17/08  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx
Reply from Claire, Age 19 - 07/17/08  - IP#: 64.131.205.xxx

From Lana, Age 19 - 07/16/08 - IP#: 76.177.2.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 223 lb, Today: 216 lb, Goal: 140 lb - I need to lose like 80 pounds. I got a dog to help me exercise, but does anyone have any more ideas. I would like to lose most of it by Feb, because I'm moving to PA where my family is from.
Reply from Lana, Age 20 - 07/17/08  - IP#: 76.177.2.xxx
Reply from Jessica, Age 13 - 07/17/08  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx
Reply from Claire, Age 19 - 07/17/08  - IP#: 64.131.205.xxx

From Ellie, Age 15 - 07/16/08 - IP#: 212.30.4.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 164 lb, Today: 160 lb, Goal: 112 lb - i havent posted on here in a while. i always come and read comments for inspiration tho. but i feel so like blah.. coz ive gained back up to 160 having fought down to 153. but i really dont understand because ive been eating healthily and exercising. i mean i kno i have a slow metabolism but to gain like 7lbs when supposedly dieting well?? soo annoying just dont understand. feeling sooo disheartened :( :(
Reply from Amanda, Age 19 - 07/17/08  - IP#: 63.135.3.xxx
Reply from Jessica, Age 13 - 07/16/08  - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx
Reply from ellie, Age 15 - 07/16/08  - IP#: 212.30.4.xxx

From Carly, Age 15 - 07/16/08 - IP#: 68.77.7.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 150 lb, Today: 140 lb, Goal: 110 lb - so i am chunky an i wanna be like thpse really skinny beautiful peolple i run 45 minutes everyday on tredmile on 7.0 help me i gotz bad eating habits
Reply from November, Age 24 - 07/17/08  - IP#: 70.162.189.xxx
Reply from Jessica, Age 13 - 07/17/08  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx
Reply from ellie, Age 15 - 07/16/08  - IP#: 212.30.4.xxx

From michelle, Age 14 - 07/16/08 - IP#: 67.235.223.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 228 lb, Today: 202 lb, Goal: 130 lb - I'm really proud of myself I've done very thing I needed to do this week so today I'm going to go get a skateboard hehe I'm really happy about this
Reply from Jessica, Age 13 - 07/17/08  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx

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