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From kayla p., Age 14 - 03/13/05 - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi all u ppl out there....yall all wanna lose weight right??? DUH... Well my suggestion is u no when your not hungry but you still wanna eat.. well all u gotta do is instead of eating chew gum.... my friend did it but i havent yet but she lost 10 lbs in 1 month
Reply from LORIE, Age 13 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx

From Christina, Age 16 - 03/13/05 - IP#: 24.233.84.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hello everyone! Hope your weekends going well. Okay so anyways, I think I'm a whole new person. For the past 2 weeks, Ive been eating so healthy. So far I ate 600 calories and its 130 PM. So I'll probally have a fruit for a snack and then for supper, eat enough to get me to 1200. Then I'm going to the gym for a while. My next weigh in is Monday! Its so dissapointing when you think you did so good and then you didn't loose weight. But you CANT let it get to you and binge! So I weighed my self last Thursday and is it too early to weigh myself Monday morning? Thanks guys!!
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 15 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 216.74.216.xxx
Reply from Let's see ..., Age 18 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 70.80.118.xxx

From Whitney, Age 15 - 03/13/05 - IP#: 198.81.26.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey Everyone! I'm finally getting motivated again to lose weight. Right now I weigh between 160-165 and I'm 5'8". I used to be like 190 so I've lost like 25 lbs which is awesome!. But I kinda stopped for awhile and now I'm trying to get back into it. My goal is to be 140 by June which is like 11 weeks away. I know I can do it! I was just wondering if there's anyone out there who would be interested in being my kinda diet buddy or w/e u wanna call it. We can just e-mail back and forth and keep each other motivated. I don't care if ur around my weight or not. If ur interested just leave me one here or u can e-mail me at Bikerkeg@aol.com. Don't ask....Well I'll ttyl! *mUaHz* Whit
Reply from helen, Age 15 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 68.154.32.xxx
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 13 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 24.247.255.xxx
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 15 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 216.74.216.xxx

From Elizabeth, Age 15 - 03/13/05 - IP#: 216.39.190.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey guys please talk to me im in big trouble
Reply from Claire, Age 17 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 67.190.0.xxx
Reply from helen, Age 15 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 68.154.32.xxx
Reply from helen, Age 15 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 68.154.32.xxx

From [.x-Amanda-x.], Age 14 - 03/13/05 - IP#: 216.95.50.xxx  Click here to reply  
Alot of people who come on this board always wanna know the same thing.... can I lose fat in a certian area, well, I have been replying to those people but I usually reply with the same thing, so here it is....You can NOT lose weight in just one place on your body. Think of it this way, if you eat alot and don't exercise, you become overweight, but your butt isn't the only thing that gets big, your stomach and face and arms and EVERYTHING gets bigger along with it. So how do you expect to lose weight in only one spot? It's highly unlikely to do it, im not saying its not possible but it probably won't work and you will just end up dissapointed in the long run. Don't do exercises just for a specific body-part. Do a little more for that part but not JUST for that part. It's called spot-reducing, and it is impossible. If ya want go to http://www.google.ca and type in Spot Reducing and you will get more info. I hope I helped.... GOOD LUCK!!
Reply from !!!kenzi!!!, Age 13 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 69.238.88.xxx

From Chi, Age 13 - 03/13/05 - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
I weigh myself every Sunday morning when I get up and last Sunday I weighed 175 this morning i weighed 177 I gained 2 lbs ....this sucks :(
Reply from helen, Age 15 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 68.154.32.xxx
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 15 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 216.74.216.xxx

From helen, Age 15 - 03/13/05 - IP#: 68.154.32.xxx  Click here to reply  
AHH IM SO BOREd and i CANT SLEEP GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR sorry for doing a pointless post...
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 15 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 216.39.190.xxx

From Me, Age 17 - 03/13/05 - IP#: 195.93.21.xxx  Click here to reply  
has ne1 got results from squats if so wat? thnks!
Reply from helen, Age 15 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 68.154.32.xxx
Reply from Whitney, Age 15 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 198.81.26.xxx

From Naomi, Age 15 - 03/13/05 - IP#: 67.187.8.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi! I want 2 know, how do u avoid overeating? Like i eat healthy and all, but i have this obsession with cereal (Cheerios, Special K) and i eat a LOT of it! Around 4 bowls every day... or more! i know cereal is pretty healthy, but i eat WAY 2 much of it!
Reply from Amy, Age 14 - 03/14/05  - IP#: 210.49.173.xxx
Reply from Hayley, Age 15 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 64.172.59.xxx
Reply from Naomi, Age 15 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 67.187.8.xxx
Reply from Catherine, Age 16 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 24.19.141.xxx

From chunkydude, Age 15 - 03/13/05 - IP#: 69.106.144.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ok guys I had a calm and easy weakend and I feel inspired. It sounds corny but I watched American Body Challenge, Celebrity Body Challange, and Super Size Me. I feel inspired to lose weight and I am now scared of a Big Mac and Ronald McDonald LOL. I think I can lose wieght after seeing what others have done. Good luck all.
Reply from mk, Age 15 - 03/14/05  - IP#: 70.57.134.xxx
Reply from helen, Age 15 - 03/14/05  - IP#: 68.154.32.xxx
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 15 - 03/14/05  - IP#: 216.74.217.xxx
Reply from hidz, Age 15 - 03/14/05  - IP#: 195.93.21.xxx
Reply from helen, Age 15 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 68.154.32.xxx

From me, Age 14 - 03/13/05 - IP#: 200.63.250.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey, everyone, today am starting at a soccer school its really cool, my sister and i are the only 2 girls i think there are 2 more. anyway, i will do anything bye cyas
Reply from Marylin, Age 14 - 03/12/05  - IP#: 4.235.48.xxx
Reply from [.x-Amanda-x.], Age 14 - 03/12/05  - IP#: 216.95.50.xxx

From Amy, Age 14 - 03/13/05 - IP#: 210.49.173.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hello i am finally losing weight, in two weeks i lost 6.5 pounds and i have still got quite a bit to go, but i already can tell the difference in my face and stomach, i have bout 40 pounds to go and i want to try to lose it in 3 months coz im going to england for a month then. All i did was in the morning i ate a bowl of low fat low sugar cereal, them for recess i had somw strawberries and bluberries, and 4 lunch i had a piece of fruit, and then my doctor said to have dinner when u get homw from skool coz that's when ur most hungry, and u r less likely to binge. Then have a cup of green tea at 7.00 That fills me up. I also walk bout 3 miles a day and then some exercise that i learned of THE BIGGEST LOSER. Drink heaps of water too. Good Luck
Reply from Aud, Age 13 - 03/26/05  - IP#: 208.33.29.xxx
Reply from Amy, Age 14 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 210.49.173.xxx
Reply from Marylin, Age 14 - 03/12/05  - IP#: 4.235.51.xxx
Reply from Alexa, Age 13 - 03/12/05  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx

From D L, Age 18 - 03/13/05 - IP#: 216.249.52.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi Everyone. I am 18 years old and I go away to college. I'm 6 feet. Before college, I was already over-weight. I weighed about 245 pounds and was (at the time) trying to cut down to the early-200s. However, these past few months at college, I have ballooned into almost 260 (258 or 259 to be exact) pounds. I am quite upset about this because I can tell in the mirror that I have gotten bigger and I stayed at around the 240s for at least the past 3 years. I really want to try and get back to what I was (245) in a couple months and then try my hardest to work down to maybe 210 or 220 pounds. That would be awesome. I know it's still considered overweight, but since I am tall, it wouldn't show as much. How long do you all think it would take to lose about 50 pounds? Anyone have any food or exercise tips? I really appriciate all responses. Hope to hear from you soon. D L.
Reply from D L, Age 18 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 216.249.52.xxx
Reply from Jackie, Age 16 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 24.14.141.xxx
Reply from D L, Age 18 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 216.249.52.xxx
Reply from [.x-Amanda-x.], Age 14 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 216.95.50.xxx
Reply from helen, Age 15 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 68.217.7.xxx
Reply from *Ray*Ray*, Age 14 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 69.204.106.xxx
Reply from Christina, Age 16 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 24.233.84.xxx
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 15 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 216.74.216.xxx

From Emily, Age 18 - 03/13/05 - IP#: 67.187.8.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey every1, i was just wondering if any of you had suggestions of how to stay active.... its as though each time i tell myself i should exercise, i don't. i want to make sure i stay healthy and fit.
Reply from Emily, Age 18 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 67.187.8.xxx
Reply from [.x-Amanda-x.], Age 14 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 216.95.50.xxx

From Elizabeth, Age 13 - 03/12/05 - IP#: 24.247.255.xxx  Click here to reply  
I am 30 pounds from my goal how much do u think i could lose in 1 month? thanks guyz
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 15 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 216.74.216.xxx
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 13 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 24.247.255.xxx
Reply from Lauren, Age 15 - 03/13/05  - IP#: 82.3.32.xxx
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 15 - 03/12/05  - IP#: 216.74.216.xxx
Reply from Marylin, Age 14 - 03/12/05  - IP#: 4.235.48.xxx

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