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From Maddie, Age 14 - 04/03/12 - IP#: 208.90.180.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 171 lb, Today: 149 lb (BMI %tile: 91), Goal: 110 lb - Hey so I've been doing bad lately. Back up to a size 10 in jeans. Haven't gained anything but I need to get back on track. I used to do so well and was losing about 3lbs a week and then I started being stupid.
Well, tomorrow is going to be a fresh start. Back to my diet: 1300 calories a day, 10 cups water, fruits and veggies, 1 hour step ups in the morning and 1 hour step ups at night along with walking my dogs.
Things are going to change no matter what. Food is meant to keep you alive, so don't gorge yourself. When I lose 20 more pounds I'm buying a bathing suit and going to the pool for laps.
I'm going to get back on track no matter what :).
Reply from Maddie, Age 14 - 04/05/12  - IP#: 208.90.180.xxx
Reply from Madelyn, Age 17 - 04/03/12  - IP#: 76.126.248.xxx

From Sabrina, Age 13 - 04/03/12 - IP#: 174.54.152.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 150 lb, Today: 139 lb (BMI %tile: 88), Goal: 125 lb - Heyy guys,
So today (its now 6:26 a.m) im going to go to school, going to eat breakfeast- 2 granola bars, and an apple juice, eat lunch- 1 turkey and lettus sandwich with bread and butter pickels, pretzels and milk, then ill come home after school go to work, come home change, go for a walk/sprint thing, and then eat dinner- not sure what it is yet! i put this up here so i can stick to my plan! Im hopeing by saturday ill be 138! well gotta finish getting ready for school!
wish me luck!byeee!<3 ::D
Reply from Madelyn, Age 17 - 04/03/12  - IP#: 76.126.248.xxx

From Lucy, Age 15 - 04/02/12 - IP#: 74.190.54.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 144 lb, Today: 145.5 lb (BMI %tile: 90), Goal: 120 lb - Oh my gosh! 3lbs people! Count 'em, three! Soooo happy! Went from 148.5 to 145.5 and i'm not stopping till i hit 120. I can do this! I haven't excersized in like four days, but we're hitting the video's tomorrow and going hardcore! By the end of this week I want to be 143lbs. Wish me luck!
Reply from Madelyn, Age 17 - 04/03/12  - IP#: 76.126.248.xxx

From Andrew, Age 13 - 04/02/12 - IP#: 174.17.244.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Start: 170 lb, Today: 170 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 140 lb - I just have to tell everyone here what happened today...
So, here I am on here, telling everyone that I would start monday. I did, but with a new gameplan.
I had ceral and two pieces of toast for breakfest, feeling and I am somewhat feeling proud for not having my usual poptart. Then, after a sudden fastforward through (half-of) the day, I got to lunch. I work at lunch, so I did my 20 minnutes and decited to get some chicken, corn, and Mashed potatoes/gravy. Putting trust into my district for nutrition, knowing that nothing there is sold that is ovver 500 calories. I got into the lunch line, and grabbed a apple juice insted of a gatorade, and then it happened: the cookies!!! I could not hold myself back, so I told the lady 5 cookies (I usually eat 5.)
Here is where some background information could come in handy: Because I work, I get (up... (view more)

Reply from Maddie, Age 14 - 04/03/12  - IP#: 208.90.180.xxx
Reply from Andrew, Age 13 - 04/02/12  - IP#: 174.17.244.xxx
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 04/02/12  - IP#: 76.1.239.xxx

From Jessica, Age 16 - 04/01/12 - IP#: 76.1.239.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 160 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 104 lb - Every time I go out to eat, I am always looking up lables, calories, fats, soudm, calorst, sugars, look it up before any of you go out to eat, calorie tracking is imporant, food jounrial I got to get back to.. If I do mess, I always tell myself tomrrow is a new day, start over, have a favorite candy, like milk choolcate switch to dark chocolate cause you will save a lot of calories, eat one half instead of the whole thing, that is another tip I learned, sometimes I will share with friends or family, but still watching what you eat and calories is really imporant!!!! so please make healthier choices instead of big meals have small meals, shoving food in your mouth is not a good idea then your sotmach won't know what it is disjusting, slow down and have small bites, eating five bites is good, and healhty, Im going to try this again, so I can reach my goals!! drinking water is... (view more)

From Jessica, Age 16 - 04/01/12 - IP#: 76.1.239.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 160 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 104 lb - I made a disscion for a fresh start Spring!! has just started March 21!!! Spring means warm weather go outside more!! sitting less, on my computer, eating less is the still plan!! once I reach 120 lb!!! I will get new shorts!! tank tops, or thrists, no strips on my colthing until I reach 120 pounds, if I am still overweihgt at 120 lb. Then I will counte losing weight, get to 110 then 108 then 104.
One day at a time!
Reply from Madelyn, Age 17 - 04/02/12  - IP#: 76.126.248.xxx
Reply from Andrew, Age 13 - 04/01/12  - IP#: 174.17.244.xxx

From Rebecca, Age 13 - 04/01/12 - IP#: 86.170.206.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1", Start: 136.5 lb, Today: 135 lb (BMI %tile: 93), Goal: 90 lb - Hey guys,
i just found out im not obese im only a margin over weight so if i can loose that bit it will be good :)
easter is coming up... my parents arent getting me chocolate eggs this year but my friends and other family have what do i do?
do i not eat it?
or do i save it up and have it bit by bit??
what are you guys going to do?? :/ xxx
Reply from Rebecca, Age 13 - 04/04/12  - IP#: 86.170.206.xxx
Reply from Rebecca, Age 13 - 04/04/12  - IP#: 86.170.206.xxx
Reply from Madelyn, Age 17 - 04/02/12  - IP#: 76.126.248.xxx
Reply from Andrew, Age 13 - 04/01/12  - IP#: 174.17.244.xxx
Reply from Maddie, Age 14 - 04/01/12  - IP#: 208.90.180.xxx
Reply from Vanessa, Age 17 - 04/01/12  - IP#: 80.84.1.xxx
Reply from Sabrina, Age 13 - 04/01/12  - IP#: 174.54.152.xxx

From Vanessa, Age 17 - 04/01/12 - IP#: 80.84.1.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 186 lb, Today: 170 lb (BMI %tile: 89), Goal: 125 lb - Hey...how much do you have to lose before people start noticing your weight loss? I mean, yes ive lost weight, but i don't seem to be all that slimmer even though im definitely lighter. it kinda sucks right now.
Reply from Vanessa, Age 17 - 04/03/12  - IP#: 80.84.1.xxx
Reply from Madelyn, Age 17 - 04/02/12  - IP#: 76.126.248.xxx
Reply from Maddie, Age 14 - 04/01/12  - IP#: 208.90.180.xxx
Reply from Sabrina, Age 13 - 04/01/12  - IP#: 174.54.152.xxx

From Andrew, Age 13 - 03/31/12 - IP#: 174.17.244.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Start: 170 lb, Today: 171 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 140 lb - You know how there is guit about what you ate? For the first time, I think I am going through that! Here's why:
Four to five hours ago, I claimed that I was going to start trying to lose weight. Then we went to Joe's.
Think of a potatoe (forgive the spelling) that you might get in a 5lb bag at the store. Now think of *TWO* of those. Figuring that there are about 15 potatoes in a bag of 5lb, that is about 3 lbs each, and I had you think of two smashed together. I'll let you do the math from there...
There is no WAY that I can start a weight loss thing like this on Sunday, and I have P.E. every day (week days). I think that I might try to go do about 2 miles running on Monday, or Sunday. What ever day I can get my hands on first, I'll do it.
Side note: This is NOT the first time I have tried to lose weight... I gave up last time. Gained 10 lbs from that, so I AM NOT going to give up this time. (Also, that was the same exact thing I said last time, so let's see how those words play out. )
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 04/01/12  - IP#: 76.1.239.xxx
Reply from Sabrina, Age 13 - 04/01/12  - IP#: 174.54.152.xxx

From Jessica, Age 16 - 03/31/12 - IP#: 76.1.239.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 160 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 104 lb - Im afraid of going to the doctor for my regular 3-4 mounth check up,, ahhhha I have gained some of the weihgt,, I hate it so much, that I wish I would sit less then none of this would of happened if I just excirse more often I am getting to the point if I don't excrise as I should I can deases like diebates, heart issues, cloged arrtys, faty liver, blood clots, I really rock bottom, once I heard my sister was heart issues, I said to myself time to be serieous this time, no more playing games, I am at a point that I can get high blood presser , high colrost, I have wasted my three years of my teen years, it not even funny ok, Im not kidding, I want to have my weight loss jounrey fisnhed before I turn 18 next summer 2013!!! I will an adult by then,, a woman ,, I went on a jounry of not having many friends like 1-5 friends now 26 friends!! from my home school teen group, two of my... (view more)
Reply from Sabrina, Age 13 - 04/01/12  - IP#: 174.54.152.xxx
Reply from Andrew, Age 13 - 03/31/12  - IP#: 174.17.244.xxx

From Maddie, Age 14 - 03/31/12 - IP#: 208.90.180.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 171 lb, Today: 149 lb (BMI %tile: 91), Goal: 110 lb - Welcome all new people!
I'M MOVING ON THE 8TH AND IT SUCKS! I just got settled in my new house 6 months ago and now my mom announced were moving again!!!!!!!! I don't mind hard work but now I have only 8 days to pack everything up and clean the entire house! 3800 square feet! Were not being forced out or anything but were renting the house and we need something bigger (12 of us live in the same house with 5 dogs) with pool access and all that. Anyways, anyone gone to The Hunger Games movie yet? My friend Justine and I want to go after I move sorta as a reward for getting it all done. Planning my trip to North Carolina in July. I have super motivation to get this really awesome bikini for summer!
I probley wont be posting for a couple days. How is everyone?
Love y'all!
Reply from Maddie, Age 14 - 04/01/12  - IP#: 208.90.180.xxx
Reply from Sabrina, Age 13 - 04/01/12  - IP#: 174.54.152.xxx
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 03/31/12  - IP#: 76.1.239.xxx

From Andrew, Age 13 - 03/31/12 - IP#: 174.17.244.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Start: 170 lb, Today: 171 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 140 lb - I am pondering right now if I should run another half marathon. For the first time in years, I am sick of being overweight again. I see the girls and the boys that are, (not perfectly, no one actually is no matter what you say) skinny, always smiling. The downers are the ones who are always having trouble walking, and the ones who have the slimmer friends, so that they feel like they are too. Those are the people that have an eating problem, those are the people who continue to gain!
For not watching my weight, I gained 50lbs since the last time I had ran a half, and I want to be part of the slimmer group now. Hopefully the things I know are going to help me durring this weight loss that I want to do.
Reply from Maddie, Age 14 - 03/31/12  - IP#: 208.90.180.xxx

From Jessica, Age 16 - 03/31/12 - IP#: 76.1.239.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 160 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 104 lb - When kids tell them we don't want to play with you because you are to fat, thoses kids-teens are just being mean they aren't worth it I found real friends through chruch and my home school teen group! they don't leave me out, because I am fat and my Aspbugers I know what it is like to be left out of things It hurt that pre-teen Jessica really much, I wasn't intavted to many parites either I want you teens and preteens girls your not alone in this , finding or having real friends is important thoses kids and teens are just being mean ... I always ask someone is it worth hurting someone's feeelings? to me it not worth it hurting someone's feelings, so find real frineds..Thoses are fake friends .. I grew having that.. Cause I was SPeical Ed.. They didn't like me at all really much, I was basicly the forgotten girl or left beheind I used to hate myself I... (view more)
Reply from Andrew, Age 13 - 03/31/12  - IP#: 174.17.244.xxx

From Sabrina, Age 13 - 03/31/12 - IP#: 174.54.152.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 150 lb, Today: 139.2 lb (BMI %tile: 89), Goal: 125 lb - Heyy guys!
So i am now---- (drum-roll please)
139 pounds!!!! yaay! hahaha! okay so friday one of my bffs and i went to the mall for michaels birithday present(s)!!!!hehehe...PLZ TELL ME IF THEY SUCK!i got him this colonge/body spray from aeropostale,it smells amazing! also i got him a hpot chelle rae cd bcuz it haz tonight tonight on it and i left little notes in it like i miss you, and stuff like that lol, i got him a pack of 5 gum bcuz he likes gum lol i surronded it in like 10 layers of tape lol, and finally i got him a bracelet that says bad a** on it lol! he wouldnt tell me wat he wanted he just said suprise me, so i SHOULD`VE got him me in a ribbon on his front steps hehehe lol!i wrote him a letter inside it and told him 2 txt me bcuz he didnt have my number saved in his old phone, and he got a new phone and idk the number lol! i aim 4 healthy stuff when eating and i try 2 get at least 30min of exercice in... yeaaah...
okay so ima gooooo...
wish me luck!luv yall<3 byeee!::D
Reply from Maddie, Age 14 - 03/31/12  - IP#: 208.90.180.xxx
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 03/31/12  - IP#: 76.1.239.xxx

From Jessica, Age 16 - 03/29/12 - IP#: 76.1.239.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 160 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 104 lb - I run really fast like a Quater horse! I want to improve my healthy and my risks of getting health issues! and have a helathy weight and a healthy BMI!! I know I can do this!!!
Reply from Rachel, Age 16 - 04/07/12  - IP#: 166.147.97.xxx
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 03/31/12  - IP#: 76.1.239.xxx
Reply from arienny, Age 13 - 03/30/12  - IP#: 174.48.110.xxx

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