From Lina, Age 17 - 01/09/08 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'7", Start: 170 lb, Today: 159 lb, Goal: 120 lb - I forgot to mention this in that last post... but i found this website that i think ya'll would like and find usefull! You put in your height, weight, age, lifestyle, gender and then how many calories you plan to eat a day. Then it gives you a chart of what your weight should be/ will be each week! It is really fun playing around with it and it helps you see that your goal isnt as far as it seems! check it out!
Reply from Kate, Age 17 - 01/09/08 - IP#:
Reply from Lina (me), Age 17 - 01/09/08 - IP#:
Reply from Shekina, Age 19 - 01/09/08 - IP#:
Reply from Erin, Age 15 - 01/09/08 - IP#:
From lina, Age 17 - 01/09/08 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'7", Start: 170 lb, Today: 159 lb, Goal: 120 lb - wow... havnt been on here in ages! hope everyone is doing really well!...i have been alright. I have lost 11 pounds..but that is with being off and on dieting for about 2 months. haha i will go 2 weeks on and 1 week off. [and gain a few back in the off week. but now i am taking this seriously i have swim team practice 5 times a week and that is hard work and i am eating very healthy! we can all do this!
From Samantha, Age 17 - 01/09/08 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5", Start: 230 lb, Today: 219 lb, Goal: 175 lb - Its been 1 week since i started my diet. I need some help. for breakfast-cereal with calorie countdown milk. for lunch- usually chicken salad with 1tbs. of light miraclewhip. and for supper- chicken breast with 1/2 cup of mashed potatoes and veggies. also can you drink like blueberry tea instead of water. cause the water tastes really bad outta the faucet? let me know. GOOD LUCK!
Reply from kade, Age 19 - 01/10/08 - IP#:
From Lucee, Age 16 - 01/09/08 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'8", Start: 165 lb, Today: 171 lb, Goal: 140 lb - (starting and current switched) I weighed myself on Tuesday and was down to 164 but i weighed myself again today and it turned out i was actually 165 depsite no slip ups in my diet. Still a loss of 6lbs in 5 days though so thats good. Todays not been so good though, ive been really hungry and had urges to binge i think its because its nearly that time of the month but i dont know for sure. BFAST- porridge m/w 2% milk and a medium banana. (260) LUNCH- brown mexican chicken roll with salad and no butter. (500?) SNACK- grapes and pineapple (250?) DINNER- spaghetti bolognese (800?) TOTAL = 1810 cals for today was 210 over what i usually eat as i dont usually snack before dinner but seen as i was really hungry and managed not to binge thats okay cos ive also burned 800 cals on my eliptical. how did i do? replies welcome
From Kat, Age 16 - 01/09/08 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 150 lb, Today: 150 lb, Goal: 134 lb - how good is weight watchers cause i just started it monday. can you tell me about how much i can lose in a week?
Reply from stacy, Age 17 - 01/09/08 - IP#:
Reply from kade, Age 19 - 01/09/08 - IP#:
From lolvely1, Age 18 - 01/09/08 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 390 lb, Today: 390 lb, Goal: 167 lb - one thing i didint put out in the post below is that id like to start a little group where we support each other anyone is welcone to join k god bless^_^!
From lolvely1, Age 18 - 01/09/08 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 390 lb, Today: 390 lb, Goal: 167 lb - hello im not new i just wanted to see if there was any groups that weigh in or what not
From Kacey, Age 19 - 01/08/08 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'6", Start: 300 lb, Today: 300 lb, Goal: 140 lb - I've tried dieting a lot before but it never ever works out. I don't get any support from my family and my boyfriend doesn't really know how to help me out either. I'm looking for maybe like a "diet" buddy or someone who is my age or around my weight that can help me and encourage me. If any of you want to email me at
Reply from lolvely1, Age 18 - 01/09/08 - IP#:
From gen, Age 15 - 01/08/08 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'6", Start: 165 lb, Today: 172 lb, Goal: 150 lb - So yeah hey everybody I'm supperr EXITED I just heard I'm going to italy for spring break withc is in 2 months and I'm really hoping to lose 15 pounds by then I'm going to try so hard I know I would feel& look better at 150 my main goal is 125 but yeah I'm pretty tall like 5'6 1/2 not tht tall but I don't really look like my weight so I know 150 woulb be good so yeahh I'm supper motivated and exited lol I hope I meet some italian boys good luck!!
From michelle, Age 13 - 01/08/08 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'8", Start: 227 lb, Today: 207 lb, Goal: 130 lb - ok im tall and the weight thing said i should weigh 120 -102 ill be so skinny im 5'8 i don't look my weight now (but still look fat)what ever
From Sade, Age 17 - 01/08/08 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 4'10", Start: 165 lb, Today: 163 lb, Goal: 100 lb - Ok so on if you go to fitness they have this meal maker and you can choose wut you ate and it counts the calories for you. Yay! Thats like my worst thing I can never count how many calories I had in a day and this thing has most everything on it. The rest I can figure out myself. So exciting! Just another little thing to help me lose weight. Lol
From sk8ergirl, Age 16 - 01/08/08 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2", Start: 215 lb, Today: 215 lb, Goal: 165 lb - are those mcdonalds snack wraps bad?!? I had two for dinner and I had it grilled instead of fried. I heard that they arent bad for you but not totally good for you either. I had 1120 calories today! Am I doing good? I need feedback. I went on the tredmill for 21 minutes, Dance Dance Super Nova for 40 mins on workout mode which said I lost 173.014 calories also said that i jogged a total of 2.5 miles doing it. Then I went skateboarding/scooting mostly skateboarding though for an hour and a half!! I was sweating like crazy skateboarding!! I got sooo much better at skateboarding! Ok so yeah I need feedback...
Reply from lolvely1, Age 18 - 01/09/08 - IP#:
From KD, Age 16 - 01/08/08 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 180 lb, Today: 169 lb, Goal: 135 lb - im fat much like everyone else on this site but i really dont have alot of fat on me my stomach has some and my arms my legs are just muscle and im tired of it...i work out every day and i dont eat to much but i dont know what to do to drop the last few pounds...i used to be okay with what i weigh bc ppl say im pretty and not fat but my boy friend who loves my body told me that his brother thinks im huge and it hurt and i feel like crying all the time bc im not the way i want to be i need help
Reply from Yasmin, Age 18 - 01/08/08 - IP#:
From Sade, Age 17 - 01/08/08 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 4'10", Start: 165 lb, Today: 163 lb, Goal: 100 lb - I feel so great! I only snacked a little today which is really good for me. And I exercised and it felt so good. I totally love the exercise that I'm doing. My mom did it with me and we're so pumped up to lose the weight. After trying many times in the past this is it I'm goin to lose the weight. When I have tons of schoolwork to do though I put my exercising and stuff last and I feel horrible. I just hafta stick to it and work hard! You guys are all doing great!
From Destin, Age 17 - 01/08/08 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 215 lb, Today: 215 lb, Goal: 175 lb - okay guys. so today i've eaten.. half a poptart and half a diet dr pepper for breakfast. for lunch i just had some water. when i got home from school i had half a frosted fudge cake and arby's curly fries and cheese. i havent eaten supper yet but i will post when i do. what do you guys think?
Reply from kade, Age 19 - 01/08/08 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
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