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From Michelle, Age 16 - 01/07/08 - IP#: 71.72.54.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Start: 221 lb, Today: 200 lb, Goal: 150 lb - wow, i lost 21 pounds in 6 days. i'm so amazed!
Reply from Robin, Age 17 - 01/08/08  - IP#: 69.74.139.xxx
Reply from JessicaD, Age 17 - 01/07/08  - IP#: 207.200.116.xxx
Reply from Julie, Age 16 - 01/07/08  - IP#: 99.237.45.xxx
Reply from Erin, Age 15 - 01/07/08  - IP#: 67.49.172.xxx
Reply from michelle other, Age 13 - 01/07/08  - IP#: 71.0.156.xxx
Reply from Lucee, Age 16 - 01/07/08  - IP#: 84.13.107.xxx
Reply from Amanda, Age 18 - 01/07/08  - IP#: 63.135.14.xxx
Reply from sk8ergirl16, Age 16 - 01/07/08  - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx
Reply from Michelle, Age 16 - 01/07/08  - IP#: 71.72.54.xxx
Reply from michelle other, Age 13 - 01/07/08  - IP#: 71.0.157.xxx
Reply from michelle other, Age 13 - 01/07/08  - IP#: 71.0.157.xxx

From sk8ergirl, Age 16 - 01/07/08 - IP#: 205.188.117.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 215 lb, Today: 215 lb, Goal: 165 lb - Dude for some reason every since I started this diet I feel more happy. I am not that depressed as I was. I mean I still have a lot of stuff going on at home that still make me depresed but instead of eating I go sleep over a friends house or a relatives house. I just feel like I am more healthy than I was. Even though I am still obesed I just feel like I am eating healthy and exercising right. My grandma has diabetes and my mom said that I could get it anytime soon so while I still have a chance I am going to stop that from happening right now! I am finally going to do something bout my weight instead of sitting on a sofa hogging all the food! I feel great!! I even feel like I got better at skateboarding! I cant wait to look awesome!
Reply from michelle other, Age 13 - 01/08/08  - IP#: 71.0.159.xxx
Reply from Stacy, Age 17 - 01/08/08  - IP#: 209.50.156.xxx

From Amanda, Age 18 - 01/07/08 - IP#: 63.135.14.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 184 lb, Goal: 170 lb - okay so i was online today before school and i came accross something called the "Negative calorie diet". basically, it consists of eating certain fruits and vegetables that have negative calories. this doesnt mean they have zero calories though. for example, an orange could have 50 calories, but becacuse its a negative calorie fruit, your body burns 150 calories white digesting it. therefore they actually help you burn fat. some of these include apples, strawberries, oranges, watermelon, cucumber, celery, lettuce, tomato, broccoli and cauliflower. on the site it says to have protein too, like chicken breast or eggs, but to eat as much of those fruits and vegetables as possible and exercise and you are bound to lose weight. im going to give it a try and see how it goes and ill let you guys know if anyone is interested. i guess this diet isnt for people who dont like fruits and veggies though lol good luck everyone!
Reply from stacy, Age 17 - 01/07/08  - IP#: 70.16.121.xxx

From Destin, Age 17 - 01/07/08 - IP#: 72.24.253.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 215 lb, Today: 215 lb, Goal: 175 lb - Hey guys. So I was reading on here and someone said your supposed to eat around 1600 calories a day. What do you do if your eating out and don't know how many calories you have? Or what about school? I usually just dont eat lunch but I take a 100 Calorie pack and drink water. Thats what I usually do, but what about other things that you dont know how many calories it is?
Reply from kade, Age 19 - 01/08/08  - IP#: 71.8.231.xxx
Reply from Lucee, Age 16 - 01/08/08  - IP#: 84.13.65.xxx

From Samantha, Age 16 - 01/07/08 - IP#: 24.2.157.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 160 lb, Today: 158 lb, Goal: 130 lb - Hi. I've lost a 2 lbs in 2 weeks. How fast is too fast or how slow is 2 slow to lose weight? How do I know what goal to set?
Reply from Lucee, Age 16 - 01/08/08  - IP#: 84.13.65.xxx
Reply from stacy, Age 17 - 01/07/08  - IP#: 70.16.121.xxx

From michelle, Age 13 - 01/07/08 - IP#: 71.0.157.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 227 lb, Today: 205 lb, Goal: 130 lb - im not weighing myself til schools out for the summer hopefully i lose like 20 pounds..........&& school starts back tomorrow do the happy dance happy happy dance ok its over but i neeeeeed school to get my mind off my depressin life before i give up and jusst go eat every thin and watch a scary movie and laugh (my friends keep my from wantin to die neeeeeed school) but ah i haven't been eatin any thin because im not hungry weird but yeah goin to school tomorrow freak yeah
taco luv peace
Reply from sk8ergirl16, Age 16 - 01/07/08  - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx

From Jillian, Age 14 - 01/07/08 - IP#: 24.121.46.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 251 lb, Today: 245 lb, Goal: 151 lb - Well, I think I've been doing really good, and tomorrow will be a week since I have started my diet! I'm excited! :DD
Reply from jillian, Age 14 - 01/08/08  - IP#: 24.121.46.xxx
Reply from Stacy, Age 17 - 01/08/08  - IP#: 209.50.156.xxx

From michelle, Age 13 - 01/07/08 - IP#: 71.0.156.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 227 lb, Today: 205 lb, Goal: 130 lb - i do maria im never here on the week ends but still like its hard && im really sick of ppl callin me emo im not emo, emo ppl end up killin themselfs (my friend and so much more samamtha was emo and kill herself last week thts part of why im depressest right now tht and so much more killed herself day after christmas) im just idk but yeah.................taco luv peace
Reply from michelle other, Age 13 - 01/07/08  - IP#: 71.0.157.xxx
Reply from stacy, Age 17 - 01/07/08  - IP#: 70.16.121.xxx
Reply from sk8ergirl16, Age 16 - 01/07/08  - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx

From Jeimi, Age 17 - 01/07/08 - IP#: 67.87.194.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 240 lb, Today: 223 lb, Goal: 180 lb - i feel so bad i ate dinner and for some reason i was still hungery but i waited and 2 hours later i was eating like a pig all my hard work out the window but that wont happen again i promise
Reply from Lucee, Age 16 - 01/08/08  - IP#: 84.13.65.xxx
Reply from stacy, Age 17 - 01/07/08  - IP#: 70.16.121.xxx

From michelle, Age 13 - 01/07/08 - IP#: 71.0.157.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 227 lb, Today: 205 lb, Goal: 130 lb - ok ppls tht muffin thin was from last night i was hipper and tired because i haven't really hadn't had any suger for 2 weeks seens school (no christmas cookie no nothin) so just so u u now ppls im not crazy ok tht much anyway
taco luv

From michelle, Age 16 - 01/07/08 - IP#: 71.72.54.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Start: 221 lb, Today: 209 lb, Goal: 150 lb - i love exercising!!!!
Reply from Erin, Age 15 - 01/07/08  - IP#: 67.49.172.xxx
Reply from sk8ergirl16, Age 16 - 01/07/08  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx

From sk8ergirl16, Age 16 - 01/06/08 - IP#: 64.12.117.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 221 lb, Today: 215 lb, Goal: 165 lb - Ok ya'll I dont know if I did good but it was so freaking hard! Ok for breakfast I had a toaster waffle thingy, lunch I had half a can of soup and chicken salad sandwhich, then I had raviolli (cant spell). It all came to about 1000 callories. I calculated it. It was so hard to eat that less. I did DDRSN2 for a half hour and lost 165.322 calories on workout mode and it said I jogged bout 2 miles total doing that! Yay i think I did good for my first day but it was so hard. I wrote everything down and the callories it had. Did I do good? Maybe I did bad. Hmmm dang.
Reply from Lucee, Age 16 - 01/07/08  - IP#: 78.144.163.xxx
Reply from sk8ergirl16, Age 16 - 01/07/08  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx
Reply from michelle other, Age 13 - 01/07/08  - IP#: 71.0.157.xxx
Reply from Michelle, Age 16 - 01/06/08  - IP#: 71.72.54.xxx

From dncr, Age 16 - 01/06/08 - IP#: 70.94.49.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 180 lb, Today: 180 lb, Goal: 140 lb - so basically, i have a problem. i get SO bored/lazy? working out in the first 5 mintues. this is my third time trying to loose weight since september, and i gave up everytime after a few weeks; normally the first one. i lost some weight about 3 years ago through just dancing. this time around i get bored with dancing, and ive been going to a dance stuido for about 13 years now. i really wanna stick to the diet this time cuz i have a lot of big things coming up this year; spring break, confirmation, senior pics, being in my cousins wedding, summer! and i just wanna look good. dont get me wrong, i am comfortable "in my shoes" but i just think my weight needs some tweaking a bit. another thing is that its hard for me to find time to work out between school and work and other stuff going on. i also have a lot of homework. i also work at the mall in retail so theres somewhat of a pressure... (view more)
Reply from Lucee, Age 16 - 01/07/08  - IP#: 84.13.87.xxx
Reply from Mandy, Age 16 - 01/07/08  - IP#: 124.187.19.xxx
Reply from dncr, Age 16 - 01/06/08  - IP#: 70.94.49.xxx
Reply from sk8ergirl16, Age 16 - 01/06/08  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx

From michelle, Age 13 - 01/06/08 - IP#: 71.0.159.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 227 lb, Today: 205 lb, Goal: 130 lb - ok i had two big muffin but its ok cause i only ate a boil oatmeal today. and the rest of this week was great mwhahahaha i feel high but im not muffin muffin muffins are bad mwhahahahahahahaha &&&&& ha but they where good no bad = muffins there bad big muffins there a monster RAWR mwhahahahaha ok i may be crazy but not this carzy it was the muffins bad muffins RAWR
taco luv peace

From Jeimi, Age 17 - 01/06/08 - IP#: 67.87.194.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 240 lb, Today: 223 lb, Goal: 180 lb - ok i feel kinda mad at myself cause right after dinner i had 2 granola bar the ones that come in one package i couldn't help it but it wont eat anything else and i hadn't messed up at all for 1 week so it's ok i just wont let it happen aggin
Reply from Lucee, Age 16 - 01/07/08  - IP#: 84.13.87.xxx

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