~ 18+ B-BOARD PAGE 26 ~

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From Kayla, Age 20 - 01/17/11 - IP#: 75.42.72.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 248.5 lb, Today: 238.5 lb (BMI: 41), Goal: 170 lb - Class starts tomorrow and I am uber excited. I am attending the culinary program at my local community college and my first thought was well how the heck are you going to be able to control yourself around all that food. But then I realized taking these classes will give me a greater appreciation for food and they will give me the skills to create healthy, delicious, homemade foods.
On another note, today was my official weight in day and I am down 10 pounds! I could not be happier, but I really need to stop the horrible habit of weighing myself every morning. Like I did before I am going to get all caught up in numbers and not appreciate how my body feels. I don't feel my clothes getting looser but I am a bowler and I have noticed my fingers won't stay in the ball. I guess I am just losing the weight in my fingers first which is fine.
So a question to everyone, and if it... (view more)

Reply from Rachel, Age 19 - 01/22/11  - IP#: 66.67.58.xxx
Reply from Lisha, Age 21 - 01/17/11  - IP#: 76.104.81.xxx

From Kayla, Age 20 - 01/16/11 - IP#: 75.42.72.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 248.5 lb, Today: 240 lb (BMI: 41), Goal: 170 lb - Writing again! I don't know if people are reading and not writing or no one is even reading all the posts at all. But I will keep writing because even if no one is reading it helps me to get through the hard and good times of this journey.
So last time I posted I said I was going to try and start working out at night BUT I haven't done it yet. Some how I still was able to drop another 1 1/2 pounds! I am so proud of myself! I like picking up one of my 5 pound weights and thinking "I have lost more than how much this weighs" and it is really amazing. Class starts Tuesday and I really think being busy during the day will help the pounds come off faster and easier.
I think that is it for now, Good luck on your weight loss journey to all who is reading this!
Reply from Kayla, Age 20 - 01/17/11  - IP#: 75.42.72.xxx
Reply from Ally13, Age 23 - 01/17/11  - IP#: 99.106.164.xxx

From Kayla, Age 20 - 01/13/11 - IP#: 75.42.90.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 248.5 lb, Today: 241.5 lb (BMI: 41), Goal: 170 lb - It has been 10 days since I started my new life and it is hard. I woke up this morning thinking I DO NOT want to get on the oliptical machine. But, I got up and did it anyway because being overweight is a lot harder than getting on that machine everyday for 30 minutes. Controlling my calories is becoming more natural rather than a struggle so that is good. I think the next step I want to take is exercising 30 minutes at night too. So overall I have been feeling better, I have not had heartburn once since I started my new life and I am very thankful for that! Good luck to all on your journey :) Kayla

From Theresa, Age 19 - 01/12/11 - IP#: 71.60.56.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 155 lb, Today: 155 lb (BMI %tile: 86), Goal: 115 lb - Hey. Im Theresa. I probably havent been on this site since I was 14. I use to go by Tag or Tagatha if anyone remembers me from that long ago:). I got down to 107 pounds four years ago but since then have kept gianing. I love the support you get on this site so I decided to come back. Ever since I lost a lot of weight I gianed it all back. Lucky for me I havent gone back to my heaviest weight of 180. I remember feeling so self concious when I was 13 because of that and being made fun of a lot. I am in college now. At the start of college in Septmeber I was 142.4. Now I am back up in the 150's. I decided to start a diet with low carbs and fats and eat mainly fruit. Well I am here if anyone wants to talk. I also love hearing feed back and giving support. xoxo Theresa

From Kayla, Age 20 - 01/07/11 - IP#: 75.42.80.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 248.5 lb, Today: 242 lb (BMI: 42), Goal: 170 lb - Here I am on this site once again! I used this site to help me lose weight before but was unfortunately unable to keep it off.
I am 5 days in on my new journey and so far my spirits are high. I am really coming to terms with the fact that food addiction is real and that I suffer from it. For so long all I could think about is food, I lived my day by what are we eating for breakfast, lunch or dinner. I had a real bad habit of purging at night when no one is watching.
After I watched the series premiere of "I Used To Be Fat" on MTV I decided to challenge myself. I want to lose 90 pounds by June 1st. I think I want and need it so much it is absolutely achievable.
Best wishes to all of you on your weight loss journey :)

From Anonymou, Age 19 - 01/06/11 - IP#: 76.17.18.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'9", Start: 325 lb, Today: 325 lb (BMI %tile: 98) - Does the Calorie diet really work? If i do decide to do the calorie diet does the calories depend on the type of food or the number? Ex. does it matter if i pick a burger that is 440 or a salad that is 440??
Reply from Kayla, Age 20 - 01/07/11  - IP#: 75.42.80.xxx

From Kali, Age 20 - 01/02/11 - IP#: 99.109.128.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'0", Start: 153 lb, Today: 136 lb (BMI: 27), Goal: 115 lb - Hey everyone well I hope no one gets discouraged to loose weight because this website really does help. Three years ago I encountered this website and thx to everyones story and support I lost so much weight.I was so happy and I gained self esteem. However even though I lost weight i never got to reach my goal weight but this year I will. Iam determined to keep up with my healthy eating habits all throughout the year.A lil tip for everyone when you feel like eating just check out this website or chew on ice.

From Ellie, Age 20 - 12/31/10 - IP#: 67.60.227.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 218 lb, Today: 218 lb (BMI: 37), Goal: 160 lb - Hey guys, I have had many different weights in my life. Right before my senior year in high school I did weight watchers and lost 27 lbs. At that time I was down to 180. I loved my weight then but I wanted to lose more so that is why I set my goal weight as 160. Then school started and I didn't stay on my diet much and then it was Thanksgiving and then my birthday, then Christmas, then New Year's and by that time I had gained some of my weight back. I graduated and went on my senior trip, started college and I was finally at my highest weight ever, which is where I currently am at 218. My New Year's Resolution is to start back on weight watchers since it worked so well for me the first time and I plan on walking at least 5 days a week. I know a lady who went from being a size 20 to a size 5 in one year because she started going to a... (view more)

From Whitney, Age 21 - 12/27/10 - IP#: 72.198.217.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 185.6 lb, Today: 185.6 lb (BMI: 28), Goal: 150 lb - Well this start this up again. I've always been up and down with my weight. I've been as high as 200 and as low as 150 in high school and college. Right now I'm finishing up my senior year in college and I really just want to finally get control of it and control of me. My major downfalls are that I binge eat at night after not eating all day because I'm running around between school and work and all that jazz that I do. I also drink a good amount. I'm just a social butterfly so I'm out with friends. But again when I drink it goes hand and hand with eating more when I get home. I don't eat fast food hardly at all but I do go out to eat a good amount. I'm also pretty active but I just have to be consistent. I'll go to the gym 6 days in a row then take a week off. So I'm back to use this again to almost use it as a food journal so I can hold... (view more)
Reply from Amanda, Age 22 - 01/20/11  - IP#: 63.135.9.xxx

From Kristin, Age 18 - 12/23/10 - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 200 lb, Today: 194 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 130 lb - I haven't been here in probably about 5 years, and in those years I've definitely seen some extremes in my weight. During the summer I reached my highest weight, 210lbs. But, after 4 months at college, I'm down to about 194 and it feels great. It sounds cliche, but I want to start off fresh with the new year. Any help with motivation and tips would be appreciated. Good luck everyone!
Reply from Ava, Age 18 - 12/27/10  - IP#: 75.170.52.xxx
Reply from Lexie, Age 22 - 12/26/10  - IP#: 24.1.197.xxx

From Amanda, Age 21 - 11/24/10 - IP#: 63.135.9.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 165 lb (BMI: 25), Goal: 150 lb - alright so, since gaining 10 pounds over the last 6 months ive been reallllly down on myself, which causes me to eat more out of being upset about it. funny eh, you gain weight and as a result you eat more to cope lol hardly sounds like the smart thing to do. anyway im done feeling sorry for myself. i'm going to do this. i want to lose at least 5 pounds to start feelin a bit better. im starting college on monday as well as working so i'll be busy and wont have time to lay around and eat, ill also exercise at least 3 days a week, and try to avoid fast food/candy etc. i really hope i can do this lol god i miss being 155. hope everyones doing awesome, keep up the good work!
Reply from Marina, Age 23 - 12/11/10  - IP#: 24.36.93.xxx
Reply from Christine, Age 18 - 12/10/10  - IP#: 150.135.210.xxx

From Katie, Age 18 - 11/17/10 - IP#: 131.247.39.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'9", Start: 260 lb, Today: 260 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 160 lb - I want to loose weight more than anything. I am sick of being so self conscious. I have tried everything but always loose motivation. I am ready to start now and I am not giving up.
Reply from Marina, Age 23 - 12/11/10  - IP#: 24.36.93.xxx
Reply from Phil, Age 18 - 12/01/10  - IP#: 24.254.233.xxx
Reply from Ally13, Age 23 - 11/18/10  - IP#: 74.92.246.xxx

From Ally13, Age 23 - 11/16/10 - IP#: 74.92.246.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1", Start: 204 lb, Today: 127.4 lb (BMI: 24), Goal: 115 lb - So, I've been running in the morning before work since the time changed because it's too dark by the time I get home in the evening. I run before I eat breakfast and I was just wondering, is that the healthiest way to do it or should I be putting food in my stomach first? Every time I've eaten breakfast first, I find that I don't have as much energy/stamina during my run and I tend to cramp. Is it unhealthy to do it the way I prefer though? ....10 days to the 5K and counting =D
Reply from Marina, Age 23 - 12/11/10  - IP#: 24.36.93.xxx
Reply from Ally13, Age 23 - 11/18/10  - IP#: 74.92.246.xxx
Reply from Amanda, Age 21 - 11/17/10  - IP#: 63.135.9.xxx

From Ashley, Age 18 - 11/14/10 - IP#: 65.40.209.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 149 lb, Today: 152 lb (BMI %tile: 86), Goal: 125 lb - Senoir pictures are coming up, I would rather crawl in a hole then take pictures, I hate my life
Reply from Jeimi, Age 19 - 01/22/11  - IP#: 69.121.188.xxx
Reply from terry=ann, Age 27 - 12/01/10  - IP#: 99.255.96.xxx
Reply from Erica, Age 18 - 11/19/10  - IP#: 160.94.27.xxx

From soum, Age 19 - 11/12/10 - IP#: 122.177.85.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 187 lb, Today: 187 lb (BMI %tile: 93), Goal: 160 lb - HI!
well I have been struggling wid my weight issue since wen I was 4:(
so my dreams of wearing bful dresses...........making ppl stop and look back (dey do look back sometimes but for d wrong reasons....which left me heartbroken) have been dreams.
Its been hurting me, but the disappointment of failing at all my attempts has made me gain 20 pounds in the last six months..............i have cried in trial rooms as i dont fit into maximum size dey have available, looked at my girlfriends in amazing clothes and thot to myself "will i be able to wear it?"
But now i am just sick and tired of myself, and , i am so glad dat i found dis site...........reading ur stories have given me HOPE! thank u............
SO, TO a new beginning and lots of weight loss:)
Reply from Marina, Age 23 - 12/11/10  - IP#: 24.36.93.xxx

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