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From heather, Age 14 - 05/08/05 - IP#: 68.229.95.xxx  Click here to reply  
i have started my day of right w/ ceral and fruit!!yay! Then for lunch i am goin out for mothers day..but i'm goin try to get like fish or lean meat w/ veggies...and i need to remember not to eat those rolls!! then i wil most likely be wicked full when i get home so i'm going exercise at like 4 and then eat fruit or a heathbar if i'm hungry later....so i no it sounds like not a lot for din din but i'm goin hav a big lunch so yeh how does that sound?? i'm goin try to run today but its like a hurricane out lol...i think i want a tae bo video come to think of it...lol later
Reply from Georgia, Age 89 - 05/09/05  - IP#: 204.111.111.xxx

From Dae, Age 15 - 05/08/05 - IP#: 152.163.100.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey whats up ya,well i'm tryna lose 10-15 pounds in 4 weeks,Is there anybody out there that wants to lose 10-15 pounds in a few week with me come hit me up at Preciousdj04 cuz i think it would work if I had somebody to work with.Well i'm 5'6 and 177.5 and i'm tryna lose my big stomach and tightning my waist also my face is just getting fatter and fatter.And what my strategy is to just excersize 45 min -1 hour a day including in the morning and just drinking a lot of water and just tryna cut down on the unhealthy stuff.And you know summer on its way and i have to look good.
Reply from Jacquie, Age 15 - 05/09/05  - IP#: 4.159.159.xxx
Reply from Monica, Age 11 - 05/09/05  - IP#: 204.111.111.xxx

From trisha, Age 16 - 05/08/05 - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey well i need help my younger sister who is 12 years old i over weight i want to help but i dont know how shes 5,3 and weighs 150 pounds we go for jogs sometime but thats it and she also eats healthy no junk food please help!!!
Reply from julie, Age 16 - 05/09/05  - IP#: 69.177.238.xxx

From lisa, Age 15 - 05/08/05 - IP#: 71.36.194.xxx  Click here to reply  
For anyone who is dumb enough to think about being anorexic well you can't it's a mental illness and even if you could it's not fun and you do wind up gaining practically everything back. I was anorexic but have recovered and now if I gain 10 more pounds I'll be overweight and this is from a person who use to weigh 15 pounds below their ideal weight. My relationshiip with food is really weird, I love food but hate it, I can't just eat something without thinking about the calories and if I don't I wind up binging because I don't know what the calories are so I thinkk screw it and eat everyting in sight. I am trying to lose weight in a healthy way now because it'll stay off forever hopefully! So if you think of being anorexic and if you could your just going to waste a few years to food and weight obsession.
Reply from heather, Age 14 - 05/08/05  - IP#: 68.229.95.xxx

From clowie, Age 15 - 05/08/05 - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
can yall tell me who sings the following songs?
i wanna party like a rockstar hit a bunch of strip bars
livin in beverly hills thats were i wana be
geeks get the girls
if u no plz tell me
Reply from orcy, Age 12 - 05/09/05  - IP#: 68.0.210.xxx

From sarah, Age 16 - 05/08/05 - IP#: 84.66.79.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi, does anyone wanna be my weightloss buddy? i used to be 191 and i lost 50 but the wrong way. now i think i have compulsive eating, everynite all i wanna do is eat. i hate it because now ive put 10 lbs back on and its going up. is anyone else about the same age and looking to loose about 20lbs?? if so reply!! thanks xxx
Reply from sarah, Age 16 - 05/08/05  - IP#: 84.66.79.xxx
Reply from Lauren, Age 15 - 05/08/05  - IP#: 82.3.32.xxx
Reply from Christina, Age 16 - 05/08/05  - IP#: 24.233.69.xxx

From chelsea, Age 13 - 05/08/05 - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey im 5'3 and weigh and i weigh 145 pounds i want to loose about 5 to 10 pounds by june 7th thats when i go to greece to see my family and when i go there my mom is signing me up for tennis and im going to go to the gym but i just want to get started a little so ill look a little desent please help me!!!
Reply from heather, Age 14 - 05/08/05  - IP#: 68.229.95.xxx
Reply from tehay - 05/08/05  - IP#: 65.32.238.xxx

From elise, Age 13 - 05/08/05 - IP#: 67.176.247.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi. i'm really physed because my mom said she'd get me an ipod if i lost 30 pounds. i've only lost 11.3 so far, but i really want to lose more. i'm looking to find good ways to exercise, but so far i have nothing. if anybody has any ideas, feel free to tell me!
Reply from ZOE, Age 13 - 05/09/05  - IP#: 195.93.21.xxx

From Jess, Age 18 - 05/07/05 - IP#: 63.26.70.xxx  Click here to reply  
I did pretty good today: Breakfast (10AM) I ate 6-7 medium-large strawberries, 1 tbl spn low fat whipped cream, 1 1/2 serving skirt steak, 1/2 serv of spanish rice, 1 pita (to put the steak and rice in) and a Diet Cherry Coke (okay, not the best beverage.)
Lunch 2:15pm 1/2 cup (or less) French Vanilla Ice Cream, 1 pita, 1 1/2-2servings skirt steak, 1/2 serving of spanish rice, not even a full half serving of french fries. Okay, yeah ..that's not so great, because all that put together i around 800-1,000 calories ..BUT.. I danced for 1hr 1/2 which equals a grand total LOSS of: 683 calories. :D So, all in all I didn't do too bad. Tomorrow I'll be mowing the front lawn and then hopefully if the day goes well (meaning the weather cooperates with me) I'll go on a walk with my boyfriend.
Reply from Nikki, Age 17 - 05/10/05  - IP#: 66.69.246.xxx
Reply from Jess, Age 18 - 05/10/05  - IP#: 63.26.91.xxx
Reply from julie, Age 16 - 05/07/05  - IP#: 66.159.155.xxx
Reply from kay, Age 14 - 05/07/05  - IP#: 67.138.36.xxx
Reply from jenn, Age 12 - 05/07/05  - IP#: 69.177.171.xxx

From Erin, Age 14 - 05/07/05 - IP#: 68.36.231.xxx  Click here to reply  
I must have no life (i am 5'4", 309, and 14 fat in face and stomach). I went into the chatroom today around 4:30 but no one was in there. I am sitting here drinking coke and eating chips(real healthy dont u think), but i dunno how to stop over eating. If u can believe it i used to weigh 110 in 5th grade and now in 7th i am almost 200 pounds over that. I eat compolsivly and cant stop, and my friends are starting 2 notice how much weight i am gaining. Literally i only weight 294 about 2 weeks ago. It is scaring me because i know i can die but i cant stop eating and eating. im sorry i just double checked my weight its 310 so i am 200 pounds more then i was in 5th grade. It is so embarrassing really. I believe in the begining of the year i only weighed 198. I need help my sn is irishblondie224, but please post tips to help me stop my compolsing eating!!!! Thanks!!!!
Reply from Suzu, Age 17 - 05/07/05  - IP#: 24.153.48.xxx
Reply from Oliver, Age 16 - 05/07/05  - IP#: 216.209.122.xxx

From gothchick, Age 13 - 05/07/05 - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
im kinda temporarily disabled but i dont kn ow for how long summer is coming up and i dont wanna wait to lose weight wha can i do?
Reply from Suzu, Age 17 - 05/07/05  - IP#: 24.153.48.xxx

From Kaitlyn, Age 15 - 05/07/05 - IP#: 216.74.216.xxx  Click here to reply  
I FOUND SOMETHING THAT HELPS ME NOT WANT TO EAT A WHOLE BUNCH! I just listen to music and drink a lot of water, it is gr8! My mom and I are eating out tonight, so this morning/afternoon I ate as little as I could, did gr8! Probably not very good for ya, but I am gonna have lots tonight! Then, I get to go to the movies and c the hot guy that works there that I know. lol. He's like 3 yrs. older than me! lol Hope this works for you guys, TRY IT!!!!!!!
Reply from KAITLYN, Age 15 - 05/07/05  - IP#: 216.74.216.xxx
Reply from Suzu, Age 17 - 05/07/05  - IP#: 24.153.48.xxx

From lola, Age 15 - 05/07/05 - IP#: 217.44.135.xxx  Click here to reply  
i said about my friend making me decide between her and this guy and anyway shes bein reali nasty shes texted me saying DONT U DARE GO OUT WITH SAM HES A MINGA+SO R U C U ON MONDAY AS IM NOT TALKIN 2 U ANYMORE people are being really nasty about it and its not fair he hasnt done anything to them hes really nice i dont see the problem its really upsetting me
Reply from sara, Age 14 - 05/10/05  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx
Reply from Suzu, Age 17 - 05/07/05  - IP#: 24.153.48.xxx

From Brady, Age 14 - 05/07/05 - IP#: 68.85.140.xxx  Click here to reply  
I just checked my weight and height. I am 155 lbs. and 5'7 1/2
On the BMI, this reads as normal! I'm happy about this. I wanna keep losing though, maybe like 10 or 15 more pounds. What does anyone suggest? I did kind of bad today and it's only about 2:15. I woke up and had some carrots then I went to the bowling alley and had 4 slices of pizza. Then for dinner I'm having Subway. But I figure, it's only one day and I've lost alot (23 pounds or so this far) so I'm not really bummed about it.
Reply from Suzu, Age 17 - 05/07/05  - IP#: 24.153.48.xxx

From kk, Age 13 - 05/07/05 - IP#: 68.73.165.xxx  Click here to reply  
i just want to be thin so i can be happy..im not happy at 137 right now..i really want to lose weigh and look good and feel good about myself..when i w2as skinny people liked me better and now i feel like my friends are slipping away and i dont want to lose them..i no that does have n e thing to do about weigh but it does.i feel lonley and fat.. i feel like i can wear cute shirts n e more.. i wish i could lose weigh and feel good about myself again and get my friends and life back..i need help losing weigh..give me suggestions
Reply from julie, Age 16 - 05/09/05  - IP#: 69.177.238.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 05/08/05  - IP#: 216.66.102.xxx
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 15 - 05/08/05  - IP#: 216.74.216.xxx
Reply from kaylee, Age 14 - 05/07/05  - IP#: 67.138.36.xxx

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