From Me, Age 13 - 04/17/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
How is everyone? I have something that I really want to try and I wanted to know if it is the unhealthy way to lose weight! I want to be a vegitarian for mondays - thursdays and then I want to not be a vegitarian on fridays-sundays! While still eating the same amont of calories! I am sorry, but I cant give up meat! so is this good or bad?
Reply from NiNi, Age 14 - 04/23/05 - IP#:
Reply from Daryn, Age 14 - 04/17/05 - IP#:
Reply from Me, Age 13 - 04/17/05 - IP#:
Reply from MArylin, Age 14 - 04/17/05 - IP#:
Reply from Christina, Age 16 - 04/17/05 - IP#:
From Kay, Age 13 - 04/17/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey everyone I'm trying really hard to loose weight and doin' pretty well with the diet, but I hate to exercise to exercise. In other words, sports are fun because it's a game and I get exercise, but running is...boring. Anyways, anyone have any fun exercises or things to do for exercise?? Thanks, I appreciate it!
Reply from NiNi, Age 14 - 04/23/05 - IP#:
From meghan, Age 14 - 04/17/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey everyone.... im so sick of this battle... my dad gave me a "speech" the other night when we were out to dinner that was like so heart felt it almost made me cry... he was saying how like this doesnt affect them accept that they want my happiness and that he wants me to get married some day and walk me down the aisle with a stud... i just dont know... its so hard... especially at school i eat so badly at school.... my dad lost 50 pounds about 2 years ago and my brother lost about 30ish like a year ago... i want to lost this weight... i havent weighed myself lately but im probably like 208 and its horrible. i go clothes shopping and cant get pants at like any cool stores or anything... im out of breath all the time at softball.... my dad recommended cereal with like a banana for bfast. an orange or another piece of fruit or a salad at lunch, and then watever my mom cooks for dinner and... (view more)hey everyone.... im so sick of this battle... my dad gave me a "speech" the other night when we were out to dinner that was like so heart felt it almost made me cry... he was saying how like this doesnt affect them accept that they want my happiness and that he wants me to get married some day and walk me down the aisle with a stud... i just dont know... its so hard... especially at school i eat so badly at school.... my dad lost 50 pounds about 2 years ago and my brother lost about 30ish like a year ago... i want to lost this weight... i havent weighed myself lately but im probably like 208 and its horrible. i go clothes shopping and cant get pants at like any cool stores or anything... im out of breath all the time at softball.... my dad recommended cereal with like a banana for bfast. an orange or another piece of fruit or a salad at lunch, and then watever my mom cooks for dinner and then another piece of fruit later if im hungry... and to do the treadmill for 20-30 min a day and then ill lose weight... cuz thats wat he did... anyways im so busy its just hard to eat healthy.... i have school, im on my freshman softball team, i have a job(which is really hard to eat healthy at) and its just like everythings piling up... and its even harder cuz im a vegetarian now but like im thinking now maybe i should eat poulty because i should eat just carbs but i also dont want to eat meat... i do like fish though... anyway if anyone can post some meal plan ideas and if u want to support each other on email either post back or email me at (view less)
Reply from leah, Age 12 - 04/26/05 - IP#:
Reply from leah, Age 12 - 04/26/05 - IP#:
Reply from NiNi, Age 14 - 04/23/05 - IP#:
Reply from Christina, Age 16 - 04/17/05 - IP#:
From Daryn, Age 14 - 04/17/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
I LOST 2.5 POUNDS THIS WEEK!! THATS .5 MORE THAN I WANTED! NOW I AM MORE MOTIVATED THAN EVER!! HOPE YOU ALL ARE DOING WELL ALSO!! *TIPS* Don't deprive yourself of food!! You HAVE to eat, even if you are trying to lose weight! Eat fruits for breakfast!! They are a delicious alternative to fatty cereals. DON'T GIVE UP! It may be a while before you see the results you want but it WILL happen! Allow yourself to have ONE small fatty thing a day i.e. a candy bar, but only ONE! <>
Reply from NiNi, Age 14 - 04/23/05 - IP#:
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 15 - 04/18/05 - IP#:
Reply from Angie - 04/18/05 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 04/18/05 - IP#:
Reply from Rina, Age 15 - 04/17/05 - IP#:
From niki, Age 14 - 04/17/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
hi my name is niki and i just found this site and i want to learn how to lose some weight and i need some support. im 5 3 and i weigh 140 pounds and i would like to weigh 105 by the summer can anyone tell me how to do this thanks so much -niki
Reply from NiNi, Age 14 - 04/24/05 - IP#:
Reply from L!nd$eY, Age 13 - 04/17/05 - IP#:
From helen, Age 15 - 04/17/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
oh yeah i forgot to ask something else... next week is the end of trackpractice and meets so i was wondering what should i do for excersize after that is over??? should i continue to run every day or should i find an alternative excersize or what?
Reply from NiNi, Age 14 - 04/23/05 - IP#:
Reply from katie, Age 17 - 04/17/05 - IP#:
Reply from helen, Age 15 - 04/17/05 - IP#:
Reply from Ashley, Age 16 - 04/17/05 - IP#:
From carla, Age 17 - 04/17/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
ive been really stressed out these last couple of days and i usually eat and eat and eat wen i get like this, but the last few days ive held myself back and not done that....however, yesterday i woke up, had grits, an english muffin, 2 bacon, juice, and scrambled eggs....then later i had 1 poptart out of the package, and 1/2 a grilled chicken sandwich from wendys and ate about 8 of my fries.....later i had a small hott chocolate and 1 cookie and one doughnut from tim hortons...during the day i also had a red bull and one many calories do you think i had all together?!?! i feel horrible and now im afraid my weight cudda gone back up!! this is so frustrating!!! :(
Reply from NiNi, Age 14 - 04/23/05 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 04/19/05 - IP#:
Reply from L!nd$eY, Age 13 - 04/17/05 - IP#:
Reply from Loran, Age 15 - 04/17/05 - IP#:
From lucy, Age 15 - 04/17/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
ok for sure I want to loose weight and i 've wanted to for the past like 3 years and every year i say this is the last year i'm gonna be fat and it is . I want to weigh 50 lbs less by this november 1st (my b-day) I plan to do this by eating healty and under 1500 calories a day and walking 35minutes on my treadmill do any of you think that that will help me get down to my goal weight. thanks buh bye!!! any help or anything would be great !!!
Reply from NiNi, Age 14 - 04/23/05 - IP#:
Reply from helen, Age 15 - 04/17/05 - IP#:
Reply from helen, Age 15 - 04/17/05 - IP#:
From Nicole, Age 14 - 04/17/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey guys..well im only my height is 5'3-5'4 and i weight 175lbs im pretty big for my weight... by the end of june i woudl at least wanna b at 150 at least by june... im from canada..and yuh...if anyone is willing to stick with em and help me out 24/7 please email me at thanks everyone bye xoxox
Reply from Loran, Age 15 - 04/17/05 - IP#:
From Lauren, Age 15 - 04/17/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
Well hopefully i will be at my goal weight of 133 by end of aug. i had given up hope but in this magazine called Reveal (From England) It tells you how to get a flat stomach and how to lose up 2 6lbs in only 2weeks. i'll post a bit of it on here but if any one wants to know what food to eat then post on here. This is what it says - Do - eat three meals a day ** drink at least 8 glasses of water per day ** Drink unlimited tea, decaff coffee and herbal teas ** treat yourself to 1 glass of wine per day %%% Dont %%% Snack between meals ** eat fruit during a meal of eat fruit 2 hours after a meal ** dont have second helpings% In this you only have 1 piece of fruit per day the rest is veg and it shows u portion sizes. You will be eating arouns 1300 cals per day and you dont need cardio exercsies either for some reason just toning exercsies ne wayz c ya
Reply from Loran, Age 15 - 04/17/05 - IP#:
From helen, Age 15 - 04/17/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey you guys... yesterday i had a track meet and came 7th out of 7 so i felt pretty bad about that because if i would have just pushed my self a little bit harder i could have possibly beaten this one girl but i didnt..but i did improve my time for the 800...when i got home i had been soo badly sun burnt i had a big headache and felt like CRAP so i just went to bed today i have been so sick because i was also dehydrated yesterday and the pollen in georgia SUCKS! i cant breath ...anyways lol i was wondering should i excersize while im this sick and if so what should i do for excersize because cardio is out of the question for right *considering i cant breath* well i would appreciate the help!
Reply from NiNi, Age 14 - 04/23/05 - IP#:
Reply from lisa, Age 15 - 04/18/05 - IP#:
Reply from lisa, Age 15 - 04/18/05 - IP#:
Reply from Rina, Age 15 - 04/17/05 - IP#:
From Katarina, Age 14 - 04/17/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey. =D I've known about this site for a long time, and at least once a year I'll come here. Last time I came here I wanted to lose weight (obviously) I was 5'5 and 140lbs. Now I'm 5'5 and a half ;) and 158lbs. But this time I'm going to lose weight for sure. I started on Thursday and I've been doing workouts from the magazine Seventeen. I'm eating alright. So here's my plan: (tell me what you think :)) I will try eat as healthy as possible, lots of protein, good amount of carbs, very small amount of healthy fats, lots of fruits and veggies. If by chance I want something unhealthy, like chocolate, I will just have a very small portion =) I'm going to try eat 1200-1300 calories a day. =) For exercise I do soccer 3x a week, usually an hour, I end up doing about half an hour of walking everyday, and three workouts, which all together takes about an hour and a half, 3-5 times a week, and I have gym 3 times a week for an hour. I'm hoping to lose 40lbs by August, but I highly doubt that. So I'm shooting for the middle of September =) How do you think I'll do?
Reply from NiNi, Age 14 - 04/23/05 - IP#:
Reply from josh, Age 15 - 04/19/05 - IP#:
Reply from Joan, Age 14 - 04/18/05 - IP#:
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 15 - 04/18/05 - IP#:
Reply from Bett, Age 15 - 04/18/05 - IP#:
From dan, Age 15 - 04/16/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
i am looking for someone to lose weight with. you can contact me at either by email or on yahoo messenger. I am 300 pounds and looking for someone with a similar weight to help me drop the pounds.
Reply from bett, Age 15 - 04/18/05 - IP#:
Reply from Loran, Age 15 - 04/17/05 - IP#:
From ashley!, Age 15 - 04/16/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
o wow guys! i have not been on here in like a week! ive been sooo busy. thursday i had a track meet that was an hour away, friday at 2:30am me and some other kids went on a 6 hour bus trip to this space station for a field trip, then 6 hours back, then today i had to be at my school at 7 am to leave for another track meet 2 hours away, then tomorrow i have drivers ed from 8-12 and from 1-3 i have to drive, plus i have a bunch of homework, then track meets tuesday, thursday, friday, and then again the following tuesday. As you can see i am very loaded with stuff. What should i do as far as exercise because i have like no time? o and in track i throw shot put and discus, but we still have 2 warm up laps and one cool down lap at the end. so any suggestions on exercises..i am trying to bring healthy stuff to the track meets andi think that is helping.!
Reply from NiNi, Age 14 - 04/23/05 - IP#:
Reply from Loran, Age 15 - 04/17/05 - IP#:
From Cassie, Age 15 - 04/16/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
I eat all the time and I am not overweight. I just have one problem, I think that my legs are too fat. That is the only thing that I have a problem with. I think my legs look too big for the rest of my body. Should I cut back on eating just because of my legs or should i just do leg exercises to tone my legs. What do you think I should do?
Reply from NiNi, Age 14 - 04/23/05 - IP#:
Reply from Joan, Age 14 - 04/17/05 - IP#:
Reply from Christina, Age 16 - 04/16/05 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |