From Tina, Age 15 - 06/16/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey... Um I need some help. You see every day i get biger and biger i waigh 145 right now and I need to know how many calories i need to have in a day...? so that I can start to see what I can and cant have.. thanks
Reply from juststrange, Age 12 - 06/17/04 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 06/17/04 - IP#:
Reply from Melissa, Age 14 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
Reply from Vici, Age 13 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
From Xiang Ding Wong, Age 14 - 06/16/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi, i was in school, I wasnt feeling really well. The nurse said that it might be because I was overweight. This problem also affects some of my other friends...Im 168 that overweight for 14?
Reply from Emily, Age 12 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
From ~~Vici~~, Age 13 - 06/16/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey! First of all I hope everyone is doing good with their diets! And second I have just on question (I know I asked it A LONG time ago but I forgot! LOL) But anyway: Does anyone know the best way to get rid/lighten stretch marks (I heard you can bleach them, but does it work?) Thanks~~XOXO-Vici
Reply from christina, Age 14 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
From (a$$!3, Age 17 - 06/16/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Anyone know what a good breakfast is to have? I get bored of cereal and I don't know what to put on toast, because butter and peanut butter is kinda bad. And so is jam, full of sugar.
Reply from JS, Age 12 - 06/19/04 - IP#:
Reply from Mandi, Age 17 - 06/18/04 - IP#:
Reply from meee, Age 14 - 06/17/04 - IP#:
Reply from JS, Age 12 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
Reply from Winona, Age 17 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
Reply from JS, Age 12 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
Reply from JS, Age 12 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
Reply from Mandi, Age 17 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
Reply from Leslie, Age 14 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
Reply from Emily, Age 12 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
From chels, Age 15 - 06/16/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
but is it okay not to sweat or get ur heart pumping when doing aerobic exercises? will u still lose weight? or duz ur heart have to work to burn fat?
Reply from juststrange, Age 12 - 06/17/04 - IP#:
Reply from laura, Age 15 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
Reply from Melissa, Age 14 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
From Amber, Age 16 - 06/16/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey I'm a 198lbs 5'0 someone please give me some suggestions I need to lose weight before school starts! What are some good exercises? ~Amber~
Reply from Mae, Age 13 - 06/17/04 - IP#:
From Brad, Age 15 - 06/16/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey everyone , just wonderin if you may suggest some real low calorie low fat meals which i can eat with the ingredients please :) i also have a question , i ate a salad with olive oil .. is that bad? what does olive oil do?
Reply from JS, Age 12 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
Reply from Kally, Age 17 - 06/15/04 - IP#:
Reply from Melissa, Age 14 - 06/15/04 - IP#:
Reply from Jesse, Age 13 - 06/15/04 - IP#:
From Malissa, Age 17 - 06/16/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
You all seem so young to be losing weight and training. Good luck to you though! I am wanting to lose weight, hense the reason I am on this website. I love reading success stories, it gives me that push to do something with my weight. I have started bike riding and eating less junk food.
Reply from Mandi, Age 17 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
From Marshall, Age 13 - 06/16/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi I just wanted to tell everyone that I am working really hard at losing weight. This is my plan for the summer: My workout: I am going to use this Power 90 exercise tapes 6 days a week I am also going to exercise on my bike for 20 minutes all 7 days of the week. Diet: I am only going to eat when I am hungry and I will stop eating once I don't feel hungry anymore. I won't eat past 8 o'clock though. I will eatmore fruits and vegetables. and NO SWEETS. I don't think I have lost any weight yet but my clothes are a little looser.
Reply from Caroline, Age 13 - 06/17/04 - IP#:
Reply from Mandi, Age 17 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
Reply from Emily, Age 12 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
From chels, Age 15 - 06/16/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
its weird... because when I walk in the morning for exercising, my heart doesn't pump blood the way it should, it just stays normal. But when I start running it starts pumping blood rapidly. Am I doing something wrong when I'm walking? maybe I'm not walking fast enough? and I don't even sweat... please reply ASAP! Thanx
Reply from Winona, Age 17 - 06/17/04 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 06/17/04 - IP#:
Reply from Winona to Anne, Age 17 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
Reply from Melissa, Age 14 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
From ally, Age 13 - 06/15/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
two years ago I lost 50 pounds from 175 to 124 but now right before school ended i broke my leg and arm so I can't exercise and I'm at my grandma's house where I always eat way way to much My clothes already dont fit but my grandma wont let me buy new ones so my swollen stretch marked ridden belly is hanging out. I wonder what my parents will think.
Reply from Daisuke - 06/17/04 - IP#:
Reply from Daisuke - 06/16/04 - IP#:
Reply from Jesse, Age 13 - 06/15/04 - IP#:
Reply from Daisuke - 06/15/04 - IP#:
Reply from JS, Age 12 - 06/15/04 - IP#:
From Alex, Age 16 - 06/15/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
I have been reading currently some of the recent posts with prideful outbursts such as "I have lost 2 pounds omg!" or "5 pounds off me! WHEEEE" Dont be over joyed. This is actually normal. Average person gains and loses around 2-5 pounds a day. Dont believe me? Step on the scale in the morning, then step on the scale after you had lunch, then after you had dinner. Also alot has to do with water. When you just start to exercise, the sweat (salty water) accounts for most of the weight loss, which is why you get dehydrated thus having to drink more. Water adds up quite the pounds, and going to the bathroom make you lose pounds also. Dont be fooled thought thats all im trying to say. True weight loss occurs with good eating habbits + regular exrcising per day. After a month or so you should see satifactible results. Best Reguards, -Alex
Reply from Alex, Age 16 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
Reply from cain, Age 14 - 06/15/04 - IP#:
Reply from chelsea, Age 15 - 06/15/04 - IP#:
Reply from Kally, Age 17 - 06/15/04 - IP#:
Reply from Suzu, Age 16 - 06/15/04 - IP#:
Reply from JS, Age 12 - 06/15/04 - IP#:
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 06/15/04 - IP#:
From Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 06/15/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Do any of you guys use Toning for teens:the 20 minute workout that makes you look good and feel great? If you do, does it work and what were your results, thanks!
Reply from Melissa, Age 14 - 06/15/04 - IP#:
Reply from Mallory, Age 15 - 06/15/04 - IP#:
Reply from Melissa, Age 14 - 06/15/04 - IP#:
From Taylor, Age 14 - 06/15/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
to JANA: I'm only eating 1500 cals a day. I make sure to be careful with what i eat. And i maximize my cals so i feel like i'm getting enough. I'll do 400 cals for breakfast, 100 for a snack, 400 for lunch (today i hadd two crunchy tacos and a spoon of spanish rice!) another snack maybe, and dinner. So if i want a bigger snack between lunch and dinner, i'll eat a smaller dinner, like a bowl of cereal or maybe a chicken breast with a BIG salad. And some fruit of course. And if i ever want dessert (which i'm going to keep a rare option,) i'll have a few spoons of ice cream, which is just enough. For EXERCISE i do this video called fat burning pilates, and i use this other dvd for my arms. It totals a little over an hour for a work out. And i walk my dog when i'm at my mom's house, and i'll walk with my dad or whoever at my dad's house. If you got any questions, e-mail me at
Reply from JS, Age 12 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 06/16/04 - IP#:
Reply from Jana, Age 14 - 06/15/04 - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 14 - 06/15/04 - IP#:
Reply from JS, Age 12 - 06/15/04 - IP#:
From Trish, Age 13 - 06/15/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi, i am 5'6 and 290 pounds. I know i am supposed excercise and eat right and stuff like that (which i do most of the time), but what are OTHER ways to loose weight(besides dieting)?
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 06/15/04 - IP#:
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 06/15/04 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |