From Teresa, Age 17 - 05/24/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5", Start: 255 lb, Today: 225 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 140 lb - Hi all! Many of you new people may not know me but I used to come here all the time.. about 3 years ago? Wow. Anywho. I lost about 25 lbs at that time which would be about freshman year for me. I gained it back because a lot of the strategies I see that people are using here.. Now i'm a high school senior year who is about to graduate and I've lost weight, feel so much better about it and have the strength to keep it going.. (for a LONG time).. So I wanted to share my hints, tips and recent strategies.. Feel free to add any of your own! - Eat every 2 hours. Really. Don't allow your body to become hungry for too long. As long as you feel full you can't feel starved! - There's also that mentality of feeling "starved" or "deprived" because of the TYPES of foods you have to cut out to lose weight. Have these.. in SMALL.. and i mean small moderation. Don't have fast food one night ... (view more)Hi all! Many of you new people may not know me but I used to come here all the time.. about 3 years ago? Wow. Anywho. I lost about 25 lbs at that time which would be about freshman year for me. I gained it back because a lot of the strategies I see that people are using here.. Now i'm a high school senior year who is about to graduate and I've lost weight, feel so much better about it and have the strength to keep it going.. (for a LONG time).. So I wanted to share my hints, tips and recent strategies.. Feel free to add any of your own! - Eat every 2 hours. Really. Don't allow your body to become hungry for too long. As long as you feel full you can't feel starved! - There's also that mentality of feeling "starved" or "deprived" because of the TYPES of foods you have to cut out to lose weight. Have these.. in SMALL.. and i mean small moderation. Don't have fast food one night or a peice of chocolate cake and weigh yourself the next day and say.. hey.. i didn't gain anything from that cake.. Because you'll keep it up and the weight you lost will slowly creep up on you. If you want chips, have a single serving and that's it. Just make sure it's not done all the time! Even a few BITES of something will suffice. I know it's not fair but it's life and that's why we're here! - Become educated with your body and health in general. I've spent so many days reading different magazines and articles and websites, talking to different people to put together what i think is a healthy meal plan for myself. Different people say, eat this much fiber, this many carbs.. protein blah blah. A SUMMARY: Have as much fiber and protein that you can with any of your meals. Have more vegetables then you have fruit (Many of us agree that fruits are better tasting and EASIER to retrieve, but they still have natural sugars!) Drink lots of water. (duh) Cut out lots of saturated fat by switching from red meat to white meat and fish and by swtiching all full fat dairy products to low fat or fat free. (this doesn't mean don't ever have those things.. sometimes you need and crave REAL cheese or go for it, get over your craving and move on) - DO NOT UNDEREAT!!!!!!!!!!!! I can not stress this anymore than that. Undereating leads to malnutrition and bingeing. If you really think your doing your body a favor by giving it less energy, you are not! For a while it was hard for me to even get over 1000 calories. I read up on this so many times in so many different places and found that 1500 is a healthy cushion. Especially when combined with excersize. I found ways to add calories to my diet by incorporating healthy fats, such as avocado or peanut butter and nuts. I have at least one GOOD fat a day like this. This doesn't mean have a cheeseburger once a day to fulfill your caloric needs.. it means to simply fill up those calories with good foods! You'll have strengh, energy and your body will be CONTENT! - If you're sick of excersize, you're doing something wrong. Face it, to lose weight and keep it off you're going to have to do it literally FOREVER. I know many people are saying.. "I worked my butt off for 2 weeks excersizing and haven't lose much weight.." Well.. it's going to happen. you're going to be excersizing for YEARS! So get used to it and love it! =) - Don't weigh yourself. Really. I used to weigh myself every couple of days.. then every week and neither really work. Perhaps once a month if at all, if it really gives you that motivational feeling, but if you're doing it right you should start to look and feel better right? There are so many things to take into consideration; muscle gain, water weight, bloatiness, what you've eaten that day, or even the scale you're using. Scales make us obsessive! Work towards a healthier body instead of just a "smaller" one! -When i kept a food journal, I found myself becoming obsessive. Back in 2005 I used to come on here all the time and post what I had eaten every day.. It makes you obsessive! You're gonna be eating those foods forever! It's a good way to catch what you're eating that's bad.. but this is for the rest of your life! So learn to live with it and don't think about it so much.. you should have a good general idea of good foods and obsessiveness will just lead to a relapse. - Plan, Plan, Plan! Really. It's the best thing to do. Everynight I make my lunch for school the next day so I wont wake up in the morning, too tired and rushed to do so and eat junk at school. It takes getting used to but soon enough you'll whip up a good lunch or dinner in no time! - If you feel yourself craving bad foods and on the edge of a binge, look at success stories or busy yourself with something else. So many times i've gotten over wanting to eat chips of french fries by just doing something else! I wasn't even hungry! - Lastly, Don't give up! We can all do it! =) (view less)
Reply from Nikki, Age 20 - 05/24/09 - IP#:
Reply from Teresa, Age 17 - 05/24/09 - IP#:
From britney, Age 15 - 05/24/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 134 lb, Today: 142 lb (BMI %tile: 88), Goal: 110 lb - okay so i started 30 day shred last tuesday i think and i did it for 3 days but i skipped friday and saturday. and i've been eating horrible. somethings up with my body. i feel like totally weird and not like myself. but tonight i think i wanna do shred again and i guess the last two days were just "rest" days haha. well hopefully i get back to normal and start working out again.
Reply from Yasmin, Age 16 - 05/24/09 - IP#:
Reply from Nikki, Age 20 - 05/24/09 - IP#:
From Amanda, Age 20 - 05/24/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 165 lb (BMI: 25), Goal: 158 lb - i cant believe it.... im already down 5 pounds. i thought it would take 5 weeks because i was aiming for 1 pound per week, but after 3 and a half weeks im down 5 pounds. awesome! im so happy i thought it was hopeless, i could never get below 168 without giving up and then going back up to 170. now i know i can lose all of the weight and get to my ultimate goal (145-150). im so happy. and what else is super cool, i only have to lose 1 more pound to not be considered overweight anymore. at 164 i will be at the very very end of the healthy weight range... but i know im still chubby so im gonna shoot for another 15 pounds or so.. good luck everyone!!!
Reply from Nikki, Age 20 - 05/24/09 - IP#:
From kristi, Age 19 - 05/24/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 6'0", Start: 240 lb, Today: 232.4 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 180 lb - Its unbelievable how frustrated i get when losing 4 pounds in a weeek...i need to know thats good and weight loss is slow but ugh...still i work my butt off and feel like it just shouldnt be this hard today...todays the day before memorial day so my fam always has a big cookout where everyone comes toto...theres always such good moms making me shrip so i can put a little of it on my salad and treat myself to my favorite food (shrip) ...its also my uncles birthday so i have to stay away from the cake...and dont try to tell me to eat one piece...because i dont even like rather eat something else! i just gotta stick to my salads annnd at noon when my gym opens im going to do what i did on the sooo upset tho i used to run a mile walk a quater run three forth walk a quarter ect but my hip has litterly been killing me and i cnat even walk on... (view more)Its unbelievable how frustrated i get when losing 4 pounds in a weeek...i need to know thats good and weight loss is slow but ugh...still i work my butt off and feel like it just shouldnt be this hard today...todays the day before memorial day so my fam always has a big cookout where everyone comes toto...theres always such good moms making me shrip so i can put a little of it on my salad and treat myself to my favorite food (shrip) ...its also my uncles birthday so i have to stay away from the cake...and dont try to tell me to eat one piece...because i dont even like rather eat something else! i just gotta stick to my salads annnd at noon when my gym opens im going to do what i did on the sooo upset tho i used to run a mile walk a quater run three forth walk a quarter ect but my hip has litterly been killing me and i cnat even walk on it without limping, the crosstrainer is good for now...ill burn about 700 cals...well thats what i burned yesterday...then dependin on the time slash if my fams at my house yet i might get on the bike...i know that it doesnt burn many calories but it will tone up my legs...soooo wish me luck everyone...i wish it were simpler but its not sooo try to stay tough if anyone else is feeling the way i do! (view less)
Reply from Nikki, Age 20 - 05/24/09 - IP#:
Reply from kristi, Age 19 - 05/24/09 - IP#:
Reply from Nikki, Age 20 - 05/24/09 - IP#:
From Nikki, Age 20 - 05/24/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2", Start: 241 lb, Today: 230 lb (BMI: 42), Goal: 150 lb - COMING OVER FROM THE ADULT BOARD!! Hope you don't mind! This is the exercise I did this week (5/18 through 5/23) I plan on doing something tomorrow, I'll post a comment and let everyone know what I did. Mon.- 1 1/2hrs on stationary bike, 1 mile powerwalk (DVD) & 50 jumping jacks Tues.-1hr on stationary bike Wed.- 1hr on stationary bike, 20 squat kicks, 10 pushups off of the chair Thurs.-1hr on stationary bike, 3 mile powerwalk (DVD) Fri.-1hr on stationary bike & a "burn belly fat" workout Sat.-1hr on stationary bike. I had my period this week (TMI, lol) and I've read on a few different websites that you don't lose much weight while you're on your period. So we shall see, weigh in on Monday! I'll admit, if I didn't lose much weight I will be really discouraged because not only have I been exercising everyday since Monday (just started exercising on Monday) but I've been limiting my calories, taking in about 1500 to 1800 calories a day. Mainly sticking around 1500. Wish me luck!
Reply from Nikki, Age 20 - 05/24/09 - IP#:
Reply from Nikki, Age 20 - 05/24/09 - IP#:
Reply from kristi, Age 19 - 05/24/09 - IP#:
Reply from Amanda, Age 20 - 05/24/09 - IP#:
From aliza, Age 14 - 05/24/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
since i can remember i have been above averge wieght im not obese but it seems all my food goes to my stomach.i eat very healtly and exercise but i eat to september i started rowing ,lets just say it changed my life i dont think i have ever worked so hard in my life at the peak of rowing season i was doing 9 sessions of exercise a week,this boost my confidence and everyone was saying i looked skinner at that piont i didnt see myself differently but now im determined to for first time in my life get into a bikini for summer everyone takes being able to wear one grannted but im working on dramtic changes in my lifestyle and what really helps me is surrport family!what i always gets me is what i have to look forward to.give yourself incentives and motivate yourself!!!!trust me i no its not easy i have tried it a few times but stick at it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From kristi, Age 19 - 05/23/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 6'0", Start: 240 lb, Today: 233.2 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 180 lb - ugh i hate myself at night lunch i had a grilled cheese with the 35 calorie bread so thats about 130 calories, and then about 3 i had a salad which was prolly about 70 calories...then for dinner i had a plate of vegies..which is 120 calories then i had a slice of pizza mmph try like 500 calorie....idk if thats how much there is in it...ugh sooo least i burned 700 cals today...tomrrow im going to the gym and buring 1000 ive i dont care how long it takes :D prolly a hour and a half cause it took a hour for 700...ugh i hate being fat...i wish it were more simple but i guess once its accomplished ill be happier in the end.
Reply from Teresa, Age 17 - 05/24/09 - IP#:
Reply from kristi, Age 19 - 05/24/09 - IP#:
Reply from Nikki, Age 20 - 05/24/09 - IP#:
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 15 - 05/23/09 - IP#:
From Elizabeth, Age 15 - 05/23/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'7.7", Start: 175 lb, Today: 163 lb (BMI %tile: 87), Goal: 145 lb - hey everybody. ugh losing weight is so hard. when i did track freshman year i lost 15 pounds then gained back 10. this year i lost 12 pounds but it has taken such a long time. its because i eat healthy during the day and pig out at night. its horrible! breakfast i eat cereal, lunch i eat fruits and vegetables and dinner i eat anything. dinner and desserts are the enemy. it think its so hard for me to lose weight because i feel like i cant eat the things that i used to eat, like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or any bread products. i then get so frustrated that i binge sometimes. im so mad at myself for doing that!
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 15 - 05/23/09 - IP#:
Reply from Amanda, Age 20 - 05/23/09 - IP#:
From DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 05/23/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 175.8 lb, Today: 167 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 135 lb - heyy guys. Here is my actual post for the day: I went to my 2 hr. ballet class this morning. Then, I came home and had lunch (pasta, skipped breakfast--again). It was low-carb but...still, it was pasta. Then, I made some banana bread for tomorrow (dessert day). Listen, guys, if you're going to comment telling me that I shouldn't be eating it: don't waste your time. I don't deny myself anything. But, thankfully, I do have a small amount of self-control so, if I see a doughnut someone half-ate, I won't eat it. ;-) Hope you guys are doing well! I just finished shredding and I'm hitting the shower!!
Reply from Amanda, Age 20 - 05/23/09 - IP#:
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 15 - 05/23/09 - IP#:
Reply from hii, Age 13 - 05/23/09 - IP#:
From Amanda, Age 20 - 05/23/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 166 lb (BMI: 25), Goal: 158 lb - Okay so yesterday my scale read 167-168... then this morning i get on and its hovering between 165-166... what the heck lol not like im complaining. my body is weird like that though, i wont lose or ill lose very minimal amounts of weight then its like overnight i lose 2 pounds. thats awesome though :) at the rate im going, by the wedding i could be at 157. (i still have 9 weeks left, with only 6 pounds to my mini goal) i think ill change my goal to 158 to be safe. im having a good day :) hope everyones doing well!!
Reply from Amanda, Age 20 - 05/24/09 - IP#:
Reply from Nikki, Age 20 - 05/24/09 - IP#:
Reply from Amanda, Age 20 - 05/23/09 - IP#:
Reply from Christine, Age 16 - 05/23/09 - IP#:
From DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 05/23/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 175.8 lb, Today: 167 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 135 lb - Who was the person I asked for that broccoli pasta recipe way back???
Reply from Amanda, Age 20 - 05/23/09 - IP#:
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 05/23/09 - IP#:
Reply from Amanda, Age 20 - 05/23/09 - IP#:
From kristi, Age 19 - 05/23/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 6'0", Start: 240 lb, Today: 233.2 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 180 lb - so yesterday i kinda caved...i was doing sooo well and then i had a bowl of icecream...ughhh im sooo frustrated with myself. so when i went to the gym today i tried a new was called a crosstrainer...i spent a hour on it and burned 700 calories :D and then i walked for 5 min for a cool down...i feel so good right now...cept the bad thing is i didnt eat breakfast cause i cant eat before i work out...and i havnt eaten lunch cause i have to wait a while after i run or i get really sick...its one hopefully ill be able to eat by two!! mmph a grilled cheese sounds amazing right now...i think ill have that...and have anyone tried the applebees salads? i have a gift card there and im thinking about treating myself to one since i worked out so hard today...let me know if you think their good...good luck eveeryone :D
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 05/23/09 - IP#:
From Amanda, Age 20 - 05/22/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 168 lb (BMI: 26), Goal: 160 lb - FINALLY! i lost another pound. so thats 2 lbs gone in about 2 and a half weeks. im on a roll for once in my life :) finally off that stupid plateau (i was 170 and up and down for a year!) now ive got 8 pounds to go until the wedding in july. that gives me 9 weeks... so 1 week as a buffer zone in case i slip up lol i should probably step up my exercise a bit. i've been doing Shaun T's rockin body workout (45 mins of dance/cardio) about 3 times per week. (hes the same dude that does hip hop abs... its soo fun ) anyways good luck!!
Reply from hii, Age 13 - 05/23/09 - IP#:
From hii, Age 13 - 05/22/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'9.5", Start: 164 lb, Today: 166 lb (BMI %tile: 90), Goal: 150 lb - okay well i went to walmart today and i saw this really pretty girl and she was taller than me and she was so thin. but anyways i wanna try to look like her and now im so motivated!!!1 lol thank you for reading this!
Reply from hii, Age 13 - 05/23/09 - IP#:
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 05/23/09 - IP#:
Reply from kristi, Age 19 - 05/22/09 - IP#:
From lisa, Age 15 - 05/22/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'8", Start: 272 lb, Today: 228 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 120 lb - Is shrimp good for you? Or is fish? Cause im eating mostly vegtables and fish/shrimp, and i want to know if i should stop eating fish. oh,and im on a freakin plateau!! :(
Reply from Lena, Age 15 - 05/23/09 - IP#:
Reply from kristi, Age 19 - 05/22/09 - IP#:
Reply from britney, Age 15 - 05/22/09 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |