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From molly, Age 17 - 12/29/06 - IP#: 67.188.171.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Wt. 160 - help me!! i cant stop eatting fast food and sugar.
Reply from amy, Age 16 - 12/30/06  - IP#: 68.4.96.xxx
Reply from nina, Age 16 - 12/29/06  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx

From Keisha, Age 15 - 12/29/06 - IP#: 71.146.79.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Wt. 197 - I live in LA, so I go swimming all year round. A bunch of us from school decided to go swimming in the local pool. (Its across the street from my HS, so we just walked). Some girls were my friends, but some werent. We changed into our bikinis and then I saw them. I wanted to yell and smash my fists into the wall. Every girl was taller than me, but the ALL had these gorgeous, lean, sexy, stomachs and clearly visible six packs. They even had big boobs. I was so jealous. I want to be tall and have big boobs and ripped abs. They all looked at me and one said, "Keisha, maybe you should lose some weight, like fast" Then they all laughed. Then, the made me get on the scale and I was like 80 pounds heavier than any of them! Why do I have to be fat, have tiny boobs???? argggggggg
Reply from Keisha, Age 15 - 12/30/06  - IP#: 71.146.79.xxx
Reply from amy, Age 16 - 12/30/06  - IP#: 68.4.96.xxx
Reply from Orcy, Age 15 - 12/30/06  - IP#: 68.14.138.xxx
Reply from charlotte, Age 15 - 12/30/06  - IP#: 71.112.37.xxx
Reply from sabina, Age 17 - 12/30/06  - IP#: 69.118.136.xxx

From Kate, Age 14 - 12/29/06 - IP#: 72.48.61.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Wt. 140 - Hey guys, check out this website-- www.FitDay.com. It keeps track of your food, activities, weight, goals, journal entries, and gives accurate reports on calories, nutrition, and all the progress you have made. And best of all, IT'S FREE!! I hope this helps, and keep up the great work everyone!
Reply from alexis, Age 13 - 12/30/06  - IP#: 72.224.46.xxx

From Isabella, Age 13 - 12/29/06 - IP#: 72.94.76.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Wt. 167 - Oh and has anyone tried tea? I've been drinking it in the morning for health benefits really but doesn't it also help you loose weight?
Reply from Shay, Age 13 - 01/02/07  - IP#: 72.2.202.xxx
Reply from amy, Age 16 - 12/30/06  - IP#: 68.4.96.xxx
Reply from charlotte, Age 15 - 12/30/06  - IP#: 71.112.37.xxx
Reply from Hannah, Age 16 - 12/29/06  - IP#: 68.227.170.xxx

From shayna, Age 15 - 12/29/06 - IP#: 207.59.69.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Wt. 145 - hey ppl. join the group i'm in on peertrainer.com it's TEENS! if u want me to invite you reply to this post. if u want i can leave that group and we can start our own. it's really helpful

From Isabella, Age 13 - 12/29/06 - IP#: 72.94.76.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Wt. 167 - Morning people! For breakfast I had a bowl of instant oatmeal (200), cup of skim milk (100), and a banana (100). I also did my weight loss with yoga tape in the morning! I HEART yoga!!!

From Anna, Age 13 - 12/28/06 - IP#: 12.214.84.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Wt. 193 - I hope to lose my weight that I gained back I gained back 2 pounds so im 195. Do you think I can lose 2 pounds by next Wednesday
Reply from charlotte, Age 15 - 12/30/06  - IP#: 71.112.37.xxx

From mary, Age 14 - 12/28/06 - IP#: 70.171.238.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Wt. 151 - Hey, ive had an okay day. Not fabulous. Im kind of scared to weigh myself in the morning though cuz i havent weighed sense yesterday morning so i have no idea whether my weight has changed over the past 2 dayz.
Happy New Years everyone:)
Reply from alexis, Age 13 - 12/30/06  - IP#: 72.224.46.xxx

From Katie, Age 15 - 12/28/06 - IP#: 71.245.102.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Wt. 145 - so i have been doing bad for like the last 6 or 9 weeks but i think i back to doing good im really happy and i just want to know if you think i can get down to 120 by july 23?
Reply from Shay, Age 13 - 01/02/07  - IP#: 72.2.202.xxx
Reply from KATHY, Age 15 - 12/28/06  - IP#: 68.8.70.xxx
Reply from kaylee, Age 14 - 12/28/06  - IP#: 66.82.9.xxx

From Isabella, Age 13 - 12/28/06 - IP#: 72.94.76.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Wt. 167 - Happy day! I woke up this morning and was 169lbs! I am so happy! As soon as I got my period yesterday I think I just released all of that extra water weight and fluid! This morning i did my 40min. weight loss with yoga tape and for breakfast I had 50% less sugar oatmeal (110) made with skim milk (100), a pear (100), and a low fat yogurt (170)! I hope all you guys realize that holiday weight gain is probably mostly water from a lot of salt, almost no or no fat at all!
Reply from Keisha, Age 15 - 12/28/06  - IP#: 71.146.79.xxx

From shan, Age 19 - 12/28/06 - IP#: 70.80.114.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Wt. 155 - hey guys i meesed up sooo bad lately but i'm gonna start fresh tomorow. i need some tips from ppl who don't count calories but still lose weight cuz when i count i get too obsessed with food so i wanna try just eating healthy so how can i just eat healthy and lose weight w/o knowing exactly how much i ate?
Reply from charlotte, Age 15 - 12/30/06  - IP#: 71.112.37.xxx

From Tina, Age 15 - 12/28/06 - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Wt. 186 - so what are u peoples doing about the holiday weight gain????

From Mel, Age 14 - 12/27/06 - IP#: 67.149.178.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Wt. 157 - Hey everyone. Today I did my first session of billy's boot camp elite and I only made it 30 out of 55 minutes until I felt like passing out :-\. Should I have kept going?
Reply from alexis, Age 13 - 12/30/06  - IP#: 72.224.46.xxx
Reply from charlotte, Age 15 - 12/30/06  - IP#: 71.112.37.xxx
Reply from amy, Age 16 - 12/27/06  - IP#: 68.4.96.xxx
Reply from kaylee, Age 14 - 12/27/06  - IP#: 69.19.14.xxx

From alexis, Age 13 - 12/27/06 - IP#: 72.224.46.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Wt. 195 - so yah im starting my strict diet again now that the holidays are over. plus it rly got me motivated that i can wear alot of cute clothes cuz i went shopping yesterday and there are some rly cute boys....hehe...i mean alot of boys like me already but still....so yah im drinking all water maybe 1 c of juice or something can be an exception all healthy foods, salads nd stuff like that. no cookies, chocolate, nope. juss me and motivation to become skinnier and fit in that mini skirt and beautiful shirt i saw at charlette russo yesterday!!
Reply from charlotte, Age 15 - 12/30/06  - IP#: 71.112.37.xxx
Reply from amy, Age 16 - 12/27/06  - IP#: 68.4.96.xxx
Reply from Paige, Age 13 - 12/27/06  - IP#: 65.35.232.xxx

From Mika, Age 16 - 12/27/06 - IP#: 71.50.10.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Wt. 185 - also if u could give me any easy way to loose weight that would be nice to it seems im not so good at keeping stuff up and i would like to shed a few pounds here and there. well i want to loose alot but i need an easy way to do so that anyone would be able to follow anything would help thanks
Reply from charlotte, Age 15 - 12/30/06  - IP#: 71.112.37.xxx

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