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From Mikayla, Age 16 - 09/08/06 - IP#: 24.18.50.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5, Wt. too much - I don't hate my body anymore. I'm basically at the point where I am accepting that I eat healthy and exercise daily and that I cant really do much more to drop the weight. Now that I am an upperclassmen and in all advanced classes I don't really have any jerks with me. I am with all my friends and I have respect from my teachers. Plus I am not wearing my sweatshirts all the time anymore, which makes me feel prettier. Its all just getting better.
Reply from Kayla, Age 15 - 09/09/06  - IP#: 68.229.76.xxx

From Courtney, Age 14 - 09/08/06 - IP#: 63.227.209.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2, Wt. 152 - im in an excelent mood. i hooked up with a gguy i have like for awile (3 years) and well tonight i whent all in and did it. he is also my exersie person and he plays football and we do a 3 mile once a week.
Reply from Courtney, Age 14 - 09/09/06  - IP#: 63.227.209.xxx
Reply from Kayla, Age 15 - 09/09/06  - IP#: 68.229.76.xxx
Reply from Kayla, Age 15 - 09/09/06  - IP#: 68.229.76.xxx

From Cami, Age 14 - 09/08/06 - IP#: 70.100.43.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4, Wt. 153 - Life Sux Man! i h8 life! aww fudge gained somemore, i think. well i feel heavier and this sux! does anybody have any tips on how to lose weight? i know there's running and watching what you eat but is there any other helpful tips besides the ones just about everyone knows? hey another stupid question, i just came across it on the net a while ago and do u think it's 4real that an overweight person can be beliumic?.....
Reply from Julie, Age 17 - 09/09/06  - IP#: 4.242.171.xxx
Reply from Kayla, Age 15 - 09/09/06  - IP#: 68.229.76.xxx
Reply from Mikayla, Age 16 - 09/08/06  - IP#: 24.18.50.xxx

From alexandria, Age 14 - 09/08/06 - IP#: 72.150.81.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4, Wt. 192 - hi everybody how many pounds do you think you could loose by dancing and drinking water.in a month i want to loose at least 14 0r 16 m0re p0unds by doining it the health way people give me answers plz
Reply from Mikayla, Age 16 - 09/09/06  - IP#: 24.18.50.xxx

From Anna, Age 15 - 09/08/06 - IP#: 71.236.109.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2, Wt. 132 - sorry to double post I meant 130. haha. I'd be insane to think 30 pounds in one month.
Reply from sammi, Age 15 - 09/09/06  - IP#: 68.8.74.xxx
Reply from Mandy, Age 15 - 09/09/06  - IP#: 138.130.232.xxx

From cw, Age 14 - 09/08/06 - IP#: 24.254.16.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5"6, Wt. ....... - k so, ive been pretty upset lately. I dont know if it's just me that thinks i keep getting bigger, but everytime I look into the mirror I see a big girl, and I DONT WANNA BE THIS ANYMORE. I'm so sick of it, I try to get fit but I just completely have absolutely no motivation at all. I try to force myself to care but something always comes up, and I'm sick of it. HELP!!
Reply from Julie, Age 17 - 09/09/06  - IP#: 4.242.171.xxx
Reply from michelle, Age 13 - 09/08/06  - IP#: 71.143.2.xxx

From Anna, Age 15 - 09/08/06 - IP#: 71.236.109.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2, Wt. 132 - I lost two pounds this week!!! yay! my next goal is 30 by the end of the month, cause i'm feeling I need to slow down a bit. anyways. I have a question. Is it possible to eat to much fruit? I know its good for you, but is it possible to eat too much? cause I know when I get really hungry after school, I just indulge myself with fruit, and I'm just worring that I'm having a little too much.
Reply from jessica, Age 15 - 09/09/06  - IP#: 68.8.74.xxx

From michelle, Age 13 - 09/08/06 - IP#: 71.143.2.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5-5, Wt. 151 - hey.... i'm feeling a little depressed today. I'm in that time when you think it's impossible to lose weight. i am sad... any advice to get over my depression?
any 1??????????
Reply from allie, Age 20 - 09/10/06  - IP#: 70.78.76.xxx
Reply from Mandy, Age 15 - 09/09/06  - IP#: 138.130.232.xxx

From Isabella, Age 13 - 09/08/06 - IP#: 68.84.74.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5ft. 5", Wt. 169.8 - OMG I feel so awesome about myself and my appearance. I can really noticce a difference in how I look and feel! Yesterday I felt so strong and healthy...even though I had robs and fries and a slice of aple cake for dinner! bUt you know what...my life doesn't revolve around food anymore...and I know how to eat better. I'm gonna loose 10lbs by CHristams! I'm gonna! I made a promise to myself and I'll follow through! Today I'm wearing my awesome size 12 GAP jeans with a gap long-sleeved, striped tee that I never wore before becuase i thought it made me look fat! :0) P.S. I just rented Take the Lead, I"m in love with that movie! And You can really get into shape by dancing...I want to check it out!
Reply from Mandy, Age 15 - 09/09/06  - IP#: 138.130.232.xxx
Reply from Caitlyne, Age 15 - 09/08/06  - IP#: 206.47.27.xxx

From Courtney, Age 14 - 09/07/06 - IP#: 63.224.226.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2, Wt. 152 - sorry for double post. oi just got a call from the SBP (student body prez) (brothers friend) and he said that the school got anof money to re open the fittness center to the public with BRAND NEW EXERSIZE STUFF!!!!!!!!! WALMART GAVVE MY HIGH SCHOOL $50,000 TO BUY NEW STUFF AND THEY SPENT EVERY LAST PENNY MAKING IT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC TILL 3:330 AFTER SCHOOL (2:40 IS WHEN SCHOOL GETS OUT) IM JUST SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply from damien666, Age 13 - 09/08/06  - IP#: 68.195.150.xxx
Reply from Kayla, Age 15 - 09/08/06  - IP#: 68.229.76.xxx

From Courtney, Age 14 - 09/07/06 - IP#: 63.224.226.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2, Wt. 152 - TOMOROW im going to officaly start my diet and i cant stop cuz school is going. today in PE we had to get weight and there are 20 girls in my class and i weighted in from lightest to heviest and there was 7 girls behind me and he said by the end of the school year i shold have droped 20 pounds. we had all our test today sit ups pushups ect... and i got the 2nd highest # of push up for thegirls and the chear leader i happen to be friends with was so impressed (she weighed in at 109) i did 2 less sit ups then her (i did 40 she did 42) well i start my died

From michelle, Age 13 - 09/07/06 - IP#: 71.143.24.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5-5, Wt. 151 - very mad at my p.e. teacher. but i did 25 real push ups!!! yay!!! and i refused to buy myself a candy bar at the co-op. yay

From michelle, Age 13 - 09/07/06 - IP#: 71.143.32.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5-5, Wt. 151 - my goal weight is 125-133.
How long do you think it would take to shed the pounds if I was determined?
Reply from sammi, Age 15 - 09/09/06  - IP#: 68.8.74.xxx

From Christina, Age 16 - 09/07/06 - IP#: 209.30.160.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'9, Wt. 179.2 - what are some exercises that target upper thighs?

From michelle, Age 13 - 09/07/06 - IP#: 71.143.32.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5-5, Wt. 151 - I will no longer be called "fat" at school, and i will not tolerate the thin layer of "flub" that covers my hard core muscles. Food, although neccesary, is not a treat. I will no longer stand to look at myself in the mirror and see a fat person, and look at the obese ppl on the street, and think "if this keeps up, that could be me. I won't go overboard and be anorexic, but I will be a nice thin, and wear 5's, 6's, and maybe 7's for sizes. I would like to have a flat tummy. I do soccer for 2 hours every other day, and swimming for 2 hours on the others. exercise is not my problem. Eating is. And sweets and junky foods cannot control me. Because I control them. No more of this balancing on the line of losing weight. I am determined, and I know I can do this.

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