From missy, Age 13 - 09/05/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4, Wt. idkk - alright alright. heres the plan. schools starting so it'll give me more things to focus on besides food. so here's my plan on a school day....BREAKFAST: energy bar. LUNCH: 97% fat free turkey sandwich. SNACK: apples. DRINK:water. DINNER: whatevers cooked. but if it's somethingg unhealthy i jsut make me a salad. and i have 2 glasses of milk everyday. plus i have gym everyday of the week so i get excercise. so here's my workoutr everyday on a school day....MORNING:100 or more crunches. AFTER SCHOOL:lifting weghts, jogging, gazelle, or ab lounge, NIGHT:crunches
Reply from lacky, Age 14 - 09/06/06 - IP#:
Reply from michelle, Age 13 - 09/05/06 - IP#:
From Kayla, Age 15 - 09/05/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'7, Wt. : ) - Okay... just a little note to everyone who uses these boards. Please don't post a message like this "Hi! I'd like to lose ____ pounds by _____. Could you please tell me what to do in the terms of exercise and dieting." We're all going to have one comment for you. Eat healthy and exercise. We are not registered dieticians. We do not know who you are and any sorts of characteristics about you other than your weight loss goal. We don't even know what foods you like. Plus, frankly no one has the time to sit down and write individual diet plans for everyone. So to everyone who's wondering how to lose weight heres your answer: Eat healthy and exercise. Hope that helps!!!
Reply from Caitlyne, Age 15 - 09/06/06 - IP#:
Reply from michelle, Age 13 - 09/05/06 - IP#:
Reply from ~*Kaylee*~, Age 14 - 09/05/06 - IP#:
From Alicia, Age 14 - 09/05/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4, Wt. about 160? - hey i just need a suggestion- what do you reccomend for a healty, but tasty snack? Like a sweet treat that is low in calories / fat? Thanks.
Reply from AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, Age 16 - 09/05/06 - IP#:
Reply from Kayla, Age 15 - 09/05/06 - IP#:
From Emma, Age 13 - 09/05/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'8, Wt. 184 - Hey it's been a long time since I've been on but I need help. I want to lose 30 pounds by december. I know I can do it because I've lost weight that fast before. I just need help on what I should and shouldn't eat and specific exercises I should do. PLease Help me, I want to be down to my goal weight before my birthday.
Reply from jessica, Age 14 - 09/06/06 - IP#:
Reply from Kayla, Age 15 - 09/05/06 - IP#:
From Christina, Age 16 - 09/05/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'9, Wt. 179.2 - are baked potatoes bad for you? i dont put any butter or anythinglike that on it..just plain
Reply from Caitlyne, Age 15 - 09/06/06 - IP#:
Reply from Kayla, Age 15 - 09/05/06 - IP#:
Reply from Mikayla, Age 16 - 09/05/06 - IP#:
From Isabella, Age 13 - 09/05/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5ft. 5", Wt. 169.8 - DInner: lean chicken breast, backed potato w/ Smart Balance instead of butter, salad
Reply from Chasity, Age 18 - 09/07/06 - IP#:
Reply from Allie, Age 20 - 09/05/06 - IP#:
From Isabella, Age 13 - 09/05/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5ft. 5", Wt. 169.8 - I'm bacl from my vaca! Over all I think I did pretty weel I realized I each much better now. I did a lot of exercise like walkin on the beack, boogieboarding, kite-flying, lookinf for Cape May DIamonds, and bike-riding! Breakfast: plain oatmeal with apple and 1% milk, water/Lunch: 1 cup pasta with tomato sauce a 1 tb. of lowfat cheese, 2 pickles, water/Snack: Kashi TLC Trail Mix Granola bar.
From Tina, Age 14 - 09/05/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5, Wt. 191 - school has just started and i barely have any time to work out any suggestions? btw what are so good foods that i can take for lunch like any packaged foods?
Reply from Julie, Age 17 - 09/06/06 - IP#:
Reply from ruti, Age 14 - 09/05/06 - IP#:
From Emily, Age 14 - 09/04/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Wt. 154 - Okay Im getting very serious tommorow, I can't eat breakfast because of my colostomy (if i eat breakfast i will probably Start leaking) so Im gonna bring a turkey sandwich on light bread with those light lays chips and a water, then (we usually eat out) for dinner im probably gonna have whatever is healthiest on the menu. For excersize, when i finish my homework im gonna walk a mile on the tredmille and do maybe 30 mins on the stationary bike. then lift maybe about 5lb weights. how does that sound? I would also like a workout buddy, But do to all the stuff going on about children and the internet im not able to give out my email addy so if you are around my size please contact me through my group! thanks
Reply from Isabella, Age 13 - 09/05/06 - IP#:
From molly, Age 16 - 09/04/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2, Wt. idk - any ideas on how to lose weight in your stomach
Reply from jessica, Age 14 - 09/06/06 - IP#:
From lola, Age 13 - 09/04/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5ft4, Wt. who knows - Im so excited for weight loss. Thanks everyone this site is amaing and I love it when everyone encourages each other
From molly, Age 16 - 09/04/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2, Wt. idk - any ideas on what to take to school for lunch. last week i took a peanut butter samwich,chewy granola bars, crackers with cheese, and fruit snacks
Reply from Kayla, Age 15 - 09/04/06 - IP#:
Reply from Mikayla, Age 16 - 09/04/06 - IP#:
From Leslie, Age 15 - 09/04/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 6'0, Wt. ---- - whats healthiet...plain oatmeal or plain grits?
Reply from Leslie, Age 15 - 09/04/06 - IP#:
Reply from lola, Age 15 - 09/04/06 - IP#:
Reply from Leslie, Age 15 - 09/04/06 - IP#:
Reply from Kayla, Age 15 - 09/04/06 - IP#:
From Melissa, Age 16 - 09/04/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2.25, Wt. before- 175 now- 141 - well i have officaly lost 35 pounds this summer.. no one from school has seen me except my close friends im so excitied to go back tomorrow and show everyone i look fantstic.. and i know that with another 10 or 15 pounds i shall have the body of my dreams.. im almost there and i can't believe i finally did it .. and i did it the heathly way.. i am so proud of myself.. i would liek to thank evryone for their encourgament and help and also i would like to encourage those who feel like they have no hope.. there is always hope... a few sayings help me going through this- "food will always be there you don't need to eat all of it in one day" "is this worth not being thin and healthy over?" "splurgin once evry couple weeks actually keeps you on track because it shocks your metabolism and keeps... (view more)Ht. 5'2.25, Wt. before- 175 now- 141 - well i have officaly lost 35 pounds this summer.. no one from school has seen me except my close friends im so excitied to go back tomorrow and show everyone i look fantstic.. and i know that with another 10 or 15 pounds i shall have the body of my dreams.. im almost there and i can't believe i finally did it .. and i did it the heathly way.. i am so proud of myself.. i would liek to thank evryone for their encourgament and help and also i would like to encourage those who feel like they have no hope.. there is always hope... a few sayings help me going through this- "food will always be there you don't need to eat all of it in one day" "is this worth not being thin and healthy over?" "splurgin once evry couple weeks actually keeps you on track because it shocks your metabolism and keeps you from binging" "excersize is your friend.. when the sccale isnt showing any weight loss you sitl look thinner everyday with excersize" "after a week all your cravign go away especially if you are eatign really heathly with no refined carbs like chocolate" keep it up everyone if i could do it you can too you jsut need to really want it.. have control over your body dont let your body have control over you (view less)
Reply from michelle, Age 13 - 09/04/06 - IP#:
Reply from lola, Age 15 - 09/04/06 - IP#:
Reply from ruti, Age 14 - 09/04/06 - IP#:
Reply from Kayla, Age 15 - 09/04/06 - IP#:
Reply from Hannah, Age 16 - 09/04/06 - IP#:
From Hannah, Age 16 - 09/04/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2, Wt. ... - ok this site is getting pretty ridiculous. I am absolutly sick of people on this site saying that they want to die, and they cant lose weight and its too hard. Suck it up! Its going to be hard. you have to learn to deal with hard things in your life. Get to work and lose the weight. Another thing that really makes me mad is all these stupid posts about the CRAZIEST stupidest diet plans. I have heard stuff like people who want to lose 30 pounds in like a week! or people that are just going to eat ice. If you are even going to say stupid things like that go to another site and waste other peoples time. the site used to be a place for people to come and share ideas for weight lose and working out, but now its more like a place for people to get attention and pretend they are starving themselves.
Reply from lola, Age 15 - 09/04/06 - IP#:
Reply from Kayla, Age 15 - 09/04/06 - IP#:
Reply from Melissa, Age 16 - 09/04/06 - IP#:
Reply from Mikayla, Age 16 - 09/04/06 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |