From Shannon, Age 16 - 12/13/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hello, well i heard that is better to work out in the morning because you havnt eaten anything well i dont have time in the morning and i was wondering if any one can tell me if u can lose the same amount of weight if you do it eaither after school around 230 or at night? please help and can someone tell me what foods are high in protein and low in cals. ?
Reply from candace, Age 14 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
Reply from Kelly, Age 14 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
Reply from Kelly, Age 14 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
From mzz, Age 14 - 12/13/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
soi've been on a diet for about a week now and I lost 4 pounds. the weird thing is that I think its unsafe to lose 4 lbs in a week...i mean im not hungry usually and very used to it. i've been exercising for 40 mins a day.Do you think its ok to lose alittle extra ponds the first week of dieting?
Reply from gurlinthisworld, Age 13 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
Reply from Rachael, Age 14 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
Reply from ----, Age 16 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
From Jane, Age 14 - 12/13/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Has anybody tried the Cabbage Soup Diet? You are supposed to loose 10-17 lbs in 7 days. I know that it sounds insane, so I was wondering if it actually works like that???? I wanna use it as a jump start for my diet. Then after the week is over I would eat a balanced diet again. But I will increase my caloric intake gradually, so that I don't gain all the weight back. What do you think???????Thanks. By the way, I'm 5'5 and 145 lbs.
Reply from jenna, Age 12 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
From elizabeth.g., Age 14 - 12/13/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
im realy fat like obese i weigh 210 more than my dad my dad weighs 170 how sad is that HHHHHEEEEELLLLLLLLPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!???
Reply from jenna, Age 12 - 12/14/04 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 12/14/04 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 12/14/04 - IP#:
From Shannon, Age 16 - 12/13/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
thanks ann. can you tell me what foods i could eat more of that would have more protein in it but not high in cals?
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
From kaley, Age 17 - 12/13/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Okay hopefully this is better? Today i .. worked out at the gym for an hour, and i hate for BREAKFAST- Fat free yogurt, 1/2 cup kashi go lean crunch as a topping... and fat free hot chocolate... for lunch- Boca patty with fat free ranch and ketchup on it.../ hot chocolate ( only 25 cal per cup- sugar free) ... i also had 1 cup fat free frozen yogurt, 200 cals worth of xmas candy ( bad oh well) .. .. and then before bed i had 2 slices fat free cheese, and a bowl of green beans and carrots topped with fat free butter spray. Think i will stay, lose, or gain like this?
Reply from jenna, Age 12 - 12/15/04 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 12/14/04 - IP#:
From Shannon, Age 16 - 12/13/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
I think i ate too much today..can someone tell me if i did. well for B. i had a yougart and a banana and water for S. i had grapes and water and then lunch i had a salad, fat free italian dressin, skim milk, and an apple and like 6 pieces of my friends popcorn shrimp, then in foods i had a little bite of fudfe, then got home and had more grapes, and for dinner i had a salad with low fat cottage cheese.. is that too much please help
Reply from Catherine, Age 15 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
Reply from gurlinthisworld, Age 13 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
From Chelc, Age 13 - 12/13/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
hello..I'm 13 and weigh 185 lbs. i am 5feet 4 inches. I REALLY want a diet a buddy. i really think it would help me out alot--but prepared for em to email u everyday, ad I would apreciate u to email me like everyday to! thanks! ;)
Reply from jenna, Age 12 - 12/15/04 - IP#:
Reply from Clare, Age 13 - 12/14/04 - IP#:
From Brett, Age 14 - 12/13/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey everyone I've decided that I am going to start slim fast after christmas cause If im gonna lose weight, I want to go out with a bang! lol good luck you guys!!!
Reply from Shannon, Age 16 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
From KENZi, Age 13 - 12/13/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey all!!i had starbux again 2day!!!!:(!!!its really addicting!!lol! owell nutin i can do now!i did this work out tho & wondered if u guyz cud tell me if i need 2 do more !i run 3/4 a mile then walk home (5 min walk)then i do 60 crunches on the ground then 30 side bend things on each side holing 5 lbs then 60/45 push ups!*~THANX~*
Reply from KENZi, Age 13 - 12/14/04 - IP#:
Reply from jenna, Age 12 - 12/14/04 - IP#:
Reply from Karina, Age 19 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
Reply from candace, Age 14 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
From lauren, Age 17 - 12/13/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Okay heres the deal...*she says whilst tucking into toffee bon bons* I am going to get serious about losing weight. I have got 8 days before a major party and would love to love 8lbs by then. It can be done and hopfully i am going to do it. I have previously lost four pounds in four days and it wasnt even difficult. All i did was ate 1500 cals per day and did an hours exercise. This exercise didnt have to streneous and alot of what i did was just everyday things like walking to college (15mins each way) ans then doing half an hour dancing per day. When i get home i will always do dancing i dont even think "omg this is exercise" i just do it automatically because i enjoy it. Thats the main thing to enjoy ur exercise. i'll just stick on abit of jay z, tupac, mary j blige, sean paul (and recently abit of maroon 5) and just boogie around to it lol! I also do street dance at college twice a... (view more)Okay heres the deal...*she says whilst tucking into toffee bon bons* I am going to get serious about losing weight. I have got 8 days before a major party and would love to love 8lbs by then. It can be done and hopfully i am going to do it. I have previously lost four pounds in four days and it wasnt even difficult. All i did was ate 1500 cals per day and did an hours exercise. This exercise didnt have to streneous and alot of what i did was just everyday things like walking to college (15mins each way) ans then doing half an hour dancing per day. When i get home i will always do dancing i dont even think "omg this is exercise" i just do it automatically because i enjoy it. Thats the main thing to enjoy ur exercise. i'll just stick on abit of jay z, tupac, mary j blige, sean paul (and recently abit of maroon 5) and just boogie around to it lol! I also do street dance at college twice a week. Its good fun and id recommend it to everyone. If anybody is serious about losing weight and wants to email each other with tips and our progress throughout the week then just mail me at good luck everyone and keep your heads up. (view less)
Reply from lauren, Age 17 - 12/14/04 - IP#:
Reply from casey, Age 14 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
From courtney, Age 19 - 12/13/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
what i need is help need to lose weight!!!i weigh about 250HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!
Reply from Lindsay, Age 19 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
From Kathy, Age 15 - 12/13/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Has anybody tried the Cabbage Soup Diet? You are supposed to loose 10-17 lbs in 7 days. I know that it sounds insane, so I was wondering if it actually works like that???? I wanna use it as a jump start for my diet. Then after the week is over I would eat a balanced diet again. But I will increase my caloric intake gradually, so that I don't gain all the weight back. What do you think???????Thanks. By the way, I'm 5'5 and 145 lbs. I really need advise!!!
Reply from cher, Age 16 - 12/27/04 - IP#:
Reply from cher, Age 16 - 12/27/04 - IP#:
Reply from kathryn, Age 17 - 12/14/04 - IP#:
Reply from mary, Age 15 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
Reply from gurlinthisworld, Age 13 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
Reply from KENZi, Age 13 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
Reply from Rachel, Age 16 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
From Shannon, Age 16 - 12/13/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
If i limit myself to 1000-1200 cal. a day can I lose weight fast?
Reply from Rachael, Age 14 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
From lesisa, Age 16 - 12/13/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
OMG i need your help. My friend has gone crazy with her weight loss. I mean, we both said we wanted to lose weight but she has just took it too far. We went to the gym this week and she came out smiling so i was like "whats with you" and she said ive lost eleven pounds. We only started our diet a week ago and id lost two pounds which i was proud of and so i said to her "HOW?!" and she said "I just eat apples whenever i was hungry" I have told my mum and my mum said i should tell that she wil make herself ill and so i did and she started shounting at me and said i was just jealous becuase i wans tlosing weight. I dont know what to do because i think she will make herself ill. Please help
Reply from elyse, Age 19 - 12/20/04 - IP#:
Reply from Missa, Age 14 - 12/20/04 - IP#:
Reply from gurlinthisworld, Age 13 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
Reply from Kelly, Age 14 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
Reply from Shannon, Age 16 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 12/13/04 - IP#:
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